The Angel Foundation
The Angel Foundation for Learning supports students and their families through Student Nutrition Programs and emergency funds when the unexpected happens.
ID: 214919726
http://www.angelfoundationforlearning.org 12-11-2010 15:15:11
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Don't miss the event of the season. Early bird price in effect until Oct 16. form.jotform.com/24050289533325… This year's Gala is on Nov 29th at Venu Event Space. Sponsorship opportunities to fit every budget are also available. Check out our website for details: angelfoundationforlearning.org/wp-content/upl…

Just 11 days until our early bird draw for $500 in free gas. The total pot is already $4,000 and sure to climb much higher by October 11th. Don't delay. Get your 50-50 tickets today. (sponsored by belairdirect Licence #RAF1407508) angelfoundation.rafflenexus.com

Words can’t express how thankful we are for the extraordinary food that gets donated to our Toronto Catholic District School Board students from the incredible MTCC Events Providing this on a regular basis really helps with light or no lunch’s, empty stomach’s or a treat to feel special. TCDSB Indigenous Ed, Equity & Community Relations

The pot is already over $5,000 and growing fast. Get your 50-50 raffle tickets for a chance to score big. angelfoundation.rafflenexus.co. Help AFL fight hunger and poverty. (Licence #RAF1407508 sponsored by belairdirect

PC Children's Charity Power Full Kids Eat well #ThankYou @John’sNoFrills for your donations of snacks for our Ss. Filled tummies big smiles happy kids #stbernardtcdsb appreciates our community support The Angel Foundation

Is this the year for a new car? Consider donating your old vehicle to support The Angel Foundation for Learning through Donate A Car and get a tax receipt for the value of your old clunker. Details here: angelfoundationforlearning.org/donate-your-ca…

Several Toronto Catholic District School Board students were blessed with a shopping spree last weekend. What an exciting event filled with so much joy. Thanks to h4 community breaking canada and Uniqlo Canada for this opportunity TCDSB Indigenous Ed, Equity & Community Relations

One week to go until our early bird draw for $500 in gas gift cards. The pot is already at $7,000+. On October 11th one lucky winner takes half. Don't miss out! Get your tickets asap. (Licence #RAF1407508 sponsored by belairdirect ) angelfoundation.rafflenexus.com

A look back at a great summer learning program to support young Toronto Catholic District School Board students gives us that #FridayFeeling. AFL was proud to support with funds for student nutrition. thestar.com/news/gta/the-p…