Amanda Poste (@aeposte) 's Twitter Profile
Amanda Poste


Ecosystem ecologist at NINA. Studying biogeochemistry and food webs along the aquatic continuum – from catchment to coast. She/her.

ID: 327019078

calendar_today30-06-2011 21:29:36

97 Tweet


253 Following

Mette Bendixen (@mettebendixen08) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This guide on avoiding #genderbias in reference writing in #academia is one I always return to! Print it out and hang it on your wall! 📌

This guide on avoiding #genderbias in reference writing in #academia is one I always return to! Print it out and hang it on your wall! 📌
benjamin.kupilas (@benjaminkupilas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Job alert 🚨 Are you interested in working on solutions to restore freshwater biodiversity and the functioning of rivers? Do you want to work in a country that has nature and water at its heart? NIVA looks for an experienced researcher in river restoration & ecology!⛰

Job alert 🚨 Are you interested in working on solutions to restore freshwater biodiversity and the functioning of rivers? Do you want to work in a country that has nature and water at its heart? <a href="/NIVAforskning/">NIVA</a> looks for an experienced researcher in river restoration &amp; ecology!⛰
APECS (@polar_research) 's Twitter Profile Photo

APECS & INTERACT are pleased to launch a freely available guidebook on how to reduce CO2 emissions in Arctic science. Get inspired and learn how to reduce emissions through actions at the personal and institutional level.… INTERACT

APECS &amp; INTERACT are pleased to launch a freely available guidebook on how to reduce CO2 emissions in Arctic science. Get inspired and learn how to reduce emissions through actions at the personal and institutional level.… <a href="/INTERACT66/">INTERACT</a>
APECS Canada (@ehpecs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

❄️🏳️‍🌈Happy Polar Pride Day! 🏳️‍🌈❄️ Let's keep #polar research and knowledge #inclusive #Arctic #Antactic #PolarPride #QueerInSTEM #LGBTQSTEM 📷 :

❄️🏳️‍🌈Happy Polar Pride Day! 🏳️‍🌈❄️

Let's keep #polar research and knowledge #inclusive 

#Arctic #Antactic #PolarPride #QueerInSTEM #LGBTQSTEM 

📷 :
Eero Rinne (@eerorinne) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want to come and work with remote sensing of Svalbard? And Arctic in general. Develop new cool things with people like me? Apply now:…

Richard Sanders (@oceanrics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is a super exciting opportunity. Conventionally we assume that human pressures on the ocean aside from releasing GHGs have had minimal impact on the ocean C Cycle. This post will make a huge contribution to testing this assumption and developing tools to manage our impact.

PepGasol (@pepgppepgp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great paper on scientific life. Must read by Paul del Giorgio (not in twitter?)…

Emily Bernhardt (@drbiogc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please read and RT - we need to make it easier to sustain long-term environmental datasets - Taking the Pulse of Global Change with World Heritage Data Sets…

Matt Kirwan (@theswampboss) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Net impact of sea level rise on the coastal carbon sink is neutral because saltier water = reduced methane. New paper in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 🌈 with Pat Megonigal, G. Noyce, and @SaltMudVegHeats……. #CoastalCarbonSink #BlueCar #methane

Amanda Poste (@aeposte) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One more week to apply for a permanent aquatic ecologist position at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research NINAnature. Exciting chance to join a fantastic workplace, with great colleagues and plenty of opportunities for collaborative and interdisciplinary research!

Sindre Langaas NIVA (@sindrelangaas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Position openings coming! Our group on Coastal & Marine Governance NIVA is successful in Horizon Europe🇪🇺 & Mission Ocean Waters proposals & will soon recruit 2-3 new colleagues for CrossGov Project 🇪🇺 #crossgovproject BlueMissionAA & new projects #BlueGreenGovernance #BlueConnect #CBlues

Position openings coming! Our group on Coastal &amp; Marine Governance <a href="/NIVAforskning/">NIVA</a> is successful in <a href="/HorizonEU/">Horizon Europe🇪🇺</a> &amp; <a href="/OurMissionOcean/">Mission Ocean Waters</a> proposals &amp; will soon recruit 2-3 new colleagues for <a href="/CrossGovProject/">CrossGov Project 🇪🇺 #crossgovproject</a> <a href="/bluemissionaa/">BlueMissionAA</a> &amp; new projects #BlueGreenGovernance #BlueConnect #CBlues
Amanda Poste (@aeposte) 's Twitter Profile Photo

FYI: see below for five (5!!) fully-funded PhD positions here in Tromsø. Great opportunity for exciting work with a great team!

Nadescha Zwerschke (@nadeschaz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#PHD alert Interested in how to use #modern #technology to #survey #Greenlands #seafloor life? Come do your Phd with Scottish Association for Marine Science and GCRC with Scienceonabike and me and do cool stuff on a #boat! #arctic #AI #benthos #employment #opportunity…

Tone Reiertsen (@tonereiert) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Devastating scenes from Hornøya. several hundreds oiled #seabirds Mainly auks, but also Kittiwakes, gulls and shags. No source detected, but strong easterly winds suggest potential spill come from east. Worst scenario now - beginning of breeding season

NINA naturforskning (@ninaforskning) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ledig postdoktorstilling i prosjektet “Spatial population dynamic in seabirds” i Tromsø.…

Ledig postdoktorstilling i prosjektet “Spatial population dynamic in seabirds” i Tromsø.…
Amanda Poste (@aeposte) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We’re looking for somebody to join our leader team here at NINA Tromsø! Great opportunity to work with a friendly, dynamic and interdisciplinary group of polar environmental researchers, and a unique opportunity to combine leadership with active research! Deadline: August 31