Amanda Poste
Ecosystem ecologist at NINA. Studying biogeochemistry and food webs along the aquatic continuum – from catchment to coast. She/her.
ID: 327019078
30-06-2011 21:29:36
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Excited to join NINA naturforskning and to be working with such a great team here in Tromsø...plenty of exciting challenges and possibilities ahead!

Net impact of sea level rise on the coastal carbon sink is neutral because saltier water = reduced methane. New paper in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 🌈 with Pat Megonigal, G. Noyce, and @SaltMudVegHeats nature.com/articles/s4301……. #CoastalCarbonSink #BlueCar #methane

One more week to apply for a permanent aquatic ecologist position at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research NINAnature. Exciting chance to join a fantastic workplace, with great colleagues and plenty of opportunities for collaborative and interdisciplinary research!

Position openings coming! Our group on Coastal & Marine Governance NIVA is successful in Horizon Europe🇪🇺 & Mission Ocean Waters proposals & will soon recruit 2-3 new colleagues for CrossGov Project 🇪🇺 #crossgovproject BlueMissionAA & new projects #BlueGreenGovernance #BlueConnect #CBlues

#PHD alert Interested in how to use #modern #technology to #survey #Greenlands #seafloor life? Come do your Phd with Scottish Association for Marine Science and GCRC with Scienceonabike and me and do cool stuff on a #boat! #arctic #AI #benthos #employment #opportunity findaphd.com/phds/project/t…