Armand Vonsiatsky F3 Hammer
Boom - Hammer Time
ID: 155383761
14-06-2010 00:38:24
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4 PAX crushed it this morning at the #Ringer. @sprint F3 KansasCity #History #accelerating #f3counts #f3250 #Leawood
9 PAX fired up the #Atari for a little #Frogger this morning. Thanks to my bro #CabannaBoy F3CapeFear who lead this #beatdown this past Wednesday in #WilmingtonNC. Thanks for the #gameplan. F3 KansasCity #f3counts #f3250 Blue Valley Rec
16 HIM got after this beautiful #Monday morning. Some cardio to start the week. F3 KansasCity #F3Counts #f3250 #StadiumLaps #TimeTravel #Olathe #OverlandPark
8 PAX had a solid leg today. Beautiful morning at Loose Park. #Running and #Winning. #Crushing #Thursdays. F3 KansasCity Mayor Quinton Lucas when are you going to join us? 5:30 AM on Thursdays #F3Counts #F3250
4 PAX got after it this morning @ #TheClub. A pit stop and a few audibles were called. Great beatdown post #FathersDay at #MeadowbrookPark Prairie Village. F3 KansasCity. #F3counts #F3250 #mondays
10 PAX rucked 5.5 miles on this beautiful sunday morning. One FNG. Welcome #bambi. F3 KansasCity GrowRuck Midwest
8 PAX had a hurricane party this morning in #Leawood KS. F3 KansasCity #CHOPHOUSE #AO #f3250
7 PAX crushed the #RabbitHole #AO this morning. Just your basic beat down. Cardio and Core. No shoulders. F3 KansasCity F3_250 #CaseoftheMondays. Monday Morning, 5:30 AM Lenexa Public Market be there
Early 1999. #NorthDavie vs #SouthDavie. #JonMichaelGoode side lined due to an appendicitis. #Hauser out w/ broken hand. Davie County #DCAW #CoachKirk
Basic #CoreFriday this morning at #doughdoy for the #PAX with bum shoulders. In the #COT we prayed extra hard today #ForHudson. F3Nomad, we love you and are thinking about. #TAPs F3 KansasCity F3 Northwest Arkansas
Crushing it this morning with some #HIM in #StJohnsCounty #Florida. First Beatdown since moving from F3 KansasCity. Thanks for #hospitality. Looking forward to what’s to come. #Boom F3Jacksonville No F3 Steve for me. #F3250 #F3Counts #happyThanksgiving #EatMeImATurkey
9 High Impact Men got after it this morning at #TheVet. It was a solid #LegDay with some #wind #sprints to get ready for holiday dinners. Also paid homage to #Wilt #Chamberlain. F3Jacksonville #F3Nation #F3
7 Pax got after it this foggy morning. #Genesis was your basic beatdown to start the week off right. Final Monday Beatdown of 2020. F3Jacksonville #F3Nation #F3Counts #Accelerating