Adriana Dinu
Passionate about birds, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development worldwide
ID: 313498558
08-06-2011 19:06:03
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Tiger populations have begun to rise – increasing for first time in over a century. On #InternationalTigerDay see how we’re working with a coalition of partners (Environmental Investigation Agency Fauna & Flora IUCN NATURAL STATE WWF Tigers & more) for a #FutureWithTigers: ow.ly/Xuij50SGIGX

Bleaching and sea temperature increases are threatening coral reef ecosystems worldwide. In Tuvalu, youth-led initiatives are tapping into indigenous knowledge to reverse the trend and restore the island's coral reefs go.undp.org/4sp #ClimateAction The Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project 🏝️ Green Climate Fund

Sustainable finance is vital to save tigers. By investing in conservation, we protect their habitats and support communities. UN Development and partners are supporting tiger range governments to enhance #tigerfinance and secure a #FutureWithTigers: ow.ly/Xuij50SGIGX

Inspired to see strong commitment at #UNGA with the “Pact For the Future” by the United Nations General Assembly to end plastic pollution and accelerate efforts to achieve #PlasticsTreaty by the end of this year! Great momentum with INC Chair Luis Vayas Valdivieso as we approach #INC5.

In a world where 40% of land is degraded and 3 out of 4 people will face water scarcity by 2050, we cannot afford to work in silos. Together with Simon Stiell and Astrid Schomaker, our latest op-ed calls for a unified approach to #climate, #biodiversity and #land challenges.

Often invisible and overlooked, yet invaluable to global climate solutions - this small group of #CarbonNegative and #CarbonNeutral nations play a pivotal role. UN Development honored to host a first consultation at UNDP in Asia and the Pacific today, with the inspired lead of PM Bhutan and Ministers

The world’s first performance-based payment facility for #MarineConservation is live. Thanks to Global Fund for Coral Reefs, co-led by UN Development, UN Environment Programme, UNCDF & partners, with initial investments from BNP Paribas Group & Blue Alliance Marine Protected Areas, we’re unlocking private finance for MPAs in the Philippines,