@Adria@mstdn.science aka Adria LeBoeuf (@adriaexists) 's Twitter Profile
@[email protected] aka Adria LeBoeuf


Asst. Prof. of @social_fluids @CamZoology. Ponderer of the #behavior of myself & other organisms. #SocialInsects / #CollectiveBehavior / #ComputationalBiology

ID: 222621266

linkhttp://leboeuflab.com/ calendar_today03-12-2010 23:21:20

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@Adria@mstdn.science aka Adria LeBoeuf (@adriaexists) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On my first train to Bielefeld #Behaviour2023! Don’t miss our symposium in the afternoon tomorrow (R) on #socialfluids #socialtransfers and socially transferred materials! Milk, vomit, sex, eggs, all the interesting bits!

On my first train to Bielefeld #Behaviour2023! Don’t miss our symposium in the afternoon tomorrow (R) on #socialfluids #socialtransfers and socially transferred materials! Milk, vomit, sex, eggs, all the interesting bits!