Adhir Shroff
Dad, Interventional Cardiologist. Opinions are my own #RadialFirst
ID: 823332371458129921
23-01-2017 00:51:48
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It was such a great educational weekend at SCAI Now #SCAI2024, learning from leaders in the field Adhir Shroff Mladen Vidovich Khalil Ibrahim Morton J Kern Michael Megaly. Thanks to Shockwave Medical. Looking forward for more #ICtraining Joaquim Spadoni Barboza Amer Ardati University of Illinois College of Medicine UIC Cardio Fellows
Just received my personalized copy •Handbook of Transradial Interventions• from Dr Sanjay Kumar Chugh Oxford University Press #radialfirst 👉🏻…
Proud to be a part of this group of cardiologists at UI Health working after-hours towards providing the best possible training experience for our UIC Cardio Fellows . Amer Ardati Mladen Vidovich David Tofovic, M.D. Joaquim Spadoni Barboza Sukit Ringwala Hema Krishna, MD Adhir Shroff
-ostial LAD STEMI, LM-LAD with IVL+OPN, rescued ostial LCx -Impella CTO LAD, PCI LIMA touchdown -PCI LCx calcified nodule Rota+IVL -Impella LM bifurcation CSI DK-Crush What a Tuesday! Joaquim Spadoni Barboza Amer Ardati Khalil Ibrahim Adhir Shroff Mladen Vidovich UIC Cath Lab UIC Cardio Fellows
Can’t believe another amazing class of IC fellows is about to enter the world. Thank you Yogesh Jonna Owais Abdul-Kafi, MD 🫀 for all of your hardwork, leadership and passion this year! UIC Cath Lab UIC Cardio Fellows Amer Ardati Khalil Ibrahim Mladen Vidovich Joaquim Spadoni Barboza University of Illinois Department of Medicine
Dr. Adhir Shroff (@adhirshroff) leads a discussion with Drs. Denada Palm (@denadapalmMD), Marianna Sargsyan, & Joaquim Spadoni Barboza (Joaquim Spadoni Barboza) on practice choice after fellowship and the factors they considered during the decision-making practice…
Drs. Michael N. Young (Michael Young), Mina Iskander (Mina Iskander MD, MSc), Babar Basir (Babar Basir), Boskey Patel (Boskey 🫀), & Aditya Bharadwaj (Aditya Bharadwaj) reflect on their training and the areas where they would have benefitted from further focus…
Nice surprise in the mail today... Hot off the press Interventional Cardiology Board Review Book with our chapter on Atherectomy, Rotablation, and Laser University of Illinois College of Medicine UIC Cath Lab Wolters Kluwer University of Illinois Department of Medicine
Dr. Mladen Vidovich's chapter on Atherectomy, Rotablation, and Laser was published in the new released Interventional Cardiology Board Review book. Dr. Vidovich is a professor of medicine in the Division of Cardiology. Congratulations! Mladen Vidovich
Excellent talk by Prashant Kaul on complications of atherectomy devices in treatment of calcific CAD CVT India Mamas A. Mamas Hany Ragy
Great work by our own University of Illinois Department of Medicine resident, currently URMC cardiology fellow Keshav Patel, MD, MS answering an everyday clinical question 👉what is the difference in pain with administration of nicardipine vs. verapamil with #RadialFirst procedures Khalil Ibrahim UIC Cath Lab University of Illinois College of Medicine 1/
7th Annual Heart to Heart Symposium at the University of Illinois at Chicago kicking off with Adhir Shroff discussing this year's top cardiovascular trials!
It’s a great morning to learn about non-statin lipid lowering treatment from Erika Hellenbart! Looking forward to learning from all our UIC Division of Cardiology faculty at the Heart to Heart Symposium today! Adhir Shroff Khalil Ibrahim Hema Krishna
Next up…Joaquim Spadoni Barboza giving a great overview on LE PAD Looking forward to learning from all our UIC Division of Cardiology faculty at the Heart to Heart Symposium today! Adhir Shroff Khalil Ibrahim Hema Krishna Amer Ardati Mladen Vidovich University of Illinois College of Medicine UIC Cardio Fellows University of Illinois Department of Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine
Thank you Hema Krishna, MD and Vanessa Rowe APRN for a great review of Resistant HTN at our PCP Symposium University of Illinois Department of Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine UIC Cardio Fellows
Great slide Alex Auseon Looking forward to learning from all our UIC Division of Cardiology faculty at the 7th Heart to Heart Symposium today! Adhir Shroff Khalil Ibrahim Hema Krishna Amer Ardati Mladen Vidovich University of Illinois College of Medicine UIC Cardio Fellows University of Illinois Department of Medicine UIC Cath Lab
Putting forward a strong case for more PCI by Mladen Vidovich using PREVENT Looking forward to learning from all our UIC Division of Cardiology faculty at the 7th Heart to Heart Symposium today! Adhir Shroff Khalil Ibrahim Hema Krishna Amer Ardati University of Illinois College of Medicine UIC Cardio Fellows University of Illinois Department of Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine