ID: 1702029128138977280
calendar_today13-09-2023 18:39:21
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a year ago
This is just absolute bullshit, isn’t it how Tommy won
If Jake kept his distance, just a little bit, he would’ve won that
Maybe guys should be carrying scales with them cause she would’ve failed
Why in God’s green earth is he grabbing his dick?
Who the fuck is Joe Weller
What the actual fuck?
Cheeky bitch, she gets paid for it a tipper, something if the client wants to
Some dickhead walking in front of the screen all the time
This guy doesn’t need to be relevant now
All them guys did nothing until that woman stabbed in what the fuck
Tommy is an absolute joke. He would get beaten by most boxes,
Johns seriously need to fuck off
Adin just embarrassed this guy
All because of the Tyson name, this fucker one, there’s no way he won
6 months ago
Needs to
4 months ago
Terrorists will get housed before you. Let that sink in!
British or not, Who hates Keir Starmer?
'We've got two-tier politics, two-tier, policing, and two-tier justice.' Deputy Leader of Reform UK, Richard Tice, says the notion of jailing individuals for remarks on social media is 'absolutely ridiculous'.
Omg. How prophetic was this! Watch and share. 🎯
Ben Habib - Starmer is anti British💥💥💥