Adam Lavecchia (@adamlavecchia) 's Twitter Profile
Adam Lavecchia


Assistant Professor of Economics @McMasterU | Research Affiliate at the @iza_bonn

ID: 832267022

link calendar_today19-09-2012 01:23:30

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383 Following

NBER (@nberpubs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A comprehensive high school support program for disadvantaged youth living in the largest public housing project in Torontoleads to substantial reductions in criminal activity, from Adam Lavecchia, @poreopoulos, and Noah Spencer

A comprehensive high school support program for disadvantaged youth living in the largest public housing project in Torontoleads to substantial reductions in criminal activity, from <a href="/AdamLavecchia/">Adam Lavecchia</a>, @poreopoulos, and Noah Spencer
Adam Lavecchia (@adamlavecchia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pleased to circulate a new paper (w/ Philip Oreopoulos & Noah Spencer) on the impacts of a comprehensive support program for high school students on crime.

Canadian Labour Economics Forum (@cleforum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New CLEF research finds that eligibility for a program that provides disadvantaged Toronto high school students with tutoring and coaching support reduces the likelihood of a student being charged with a crime by 32%. Complete paper here. 👉…

McMaster Economics (@mcmasterecon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This Friday! Open to econ grad students and faculty! Check the link in our bio for info about the seminar and Katarzyna's many accomplishments!

This Friday! Open to econ grad students and faculty!  Check the link in our bio for info about the seminar and Katarzyna's many accomplishments!
Mikal Skuterud (@mikalskuterud) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TODAY! An analysis of the effects on crime of Toronto's Pathways to Education Program targeting disadvantaged youth with educational supports. Working paper here:… Send an email to [email protected] to register and receive a Zoom link.

McMaster Economics (@mcmasterecon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us this Friday for Stefan Staubli's seminar, travelling from U Calgary! Stefan explores labour and public economics in his research, with a focus on the impacts of social insurance! Check the link in our bio for all details!

Join us this Friday for Stefan Staubli's seminar, travelling from <a href="/UCalgary/">U Calgary</a>! Stefan explores labour and public economics in his research, with a focus on the impacts of social insurance! Check the link in our bio for all details!
Adam Lavecchia (@adamlavecchia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Not my area of expertise but I think plotting the evolution of real per-capita GDP by province over time (say the last 20-25 years) would be helpful for policy discussions in Canada. Here's the link to the Stats Canada page:… #cdnecon

The Hub (@thehubcanada) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ICYMI: Adam Lavecchia, Philip Oreopoulos, and Noah Spencer: Too good to be true? How an education program is transforming the lives of at-risk youth…

Adam Lavecchia (@adamlavecchia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nice piece from Mark Rendell on the economics & politics of cap. gains taxes in Canada. The short- & long-run responses to the 1994 cancellation of the $100K lifetime cap. gains exemption that Alisa Tazhitdinova & I document in our forthcoming The Review of Economics and Statistics (REStat) paper are mentioned

Adam Lavecchia (@adamlavecchia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

McMaster Economics is hosting the annual conference of Canadian Public Economics Group (CPEG) (CPEG) on November 1-2, 2024 in Hamilton. Please consider submitting your research by the deadline on Friday, June 21, 2024. Details are in the link below:…

Adam Lavecchia (@adamlavecchia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The deadline to submit to the @CPEG_2024 conference has been extended to Friday, June 28! Please email your research to the scientific committee: [email protected]…

The Review of Economics and Statistics (REStat) (@restatjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just Accepted new paper, “Permanent and Transitory Responses to Capital Gains Taxes: Evidence from a Lifetime Exemption in Canada” by Adam M. Lavecchia and Alisa Tazhitdinova

Adam Lavecchia (@adamlavecchia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

[1/2] Pleased to announce that registration for the 2024 Canadian Public Economics Group (CPEG) conference is now open! Please join us from November 1-2 in Hamilton, ON for a great program with 2 outstanding keynote speakers (Julie Berry Cullen & Jon Eguia) & 15 plenary sessions. For details about how...

Adam Lavecchia (@adamlavecchia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From the CCB , reducing rates at the second FTB to 20.5%, a new top FTB, CPP/QPP enhancements and targeting income splitting to carbon tax carve outs and a seasonal reduction in GST for prepared meals, toys and Christmas trees. A history of this fed gov't through its tax policy