acquaount IAFES
ID: 1584823150939979776
25-10-2022 08:24:49
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acquaount IAFES is a project funded by PRIMA Program Mediterranean Partnership 🇪🇺 The project aims to improve @IWRM and sustainable irrigation through the deployment of innovative tools, smart water services and solutions, for public and private use, while contributing to climate resilience.

acquaount IAFES team is working for the 1st workshop in Jordan, @NARC team at Deir Alla station today will host the meeting joined by local authorities, farmers Union, representatives of water user associations, farmers from Jordan Valley, Fondazione Cmcc Global Water Partnership

Ready for the first stakeholder meeting of the Living Labs in central Jordan valley Fondazione Cmcc Global Water Partnership NARC

acquaount IAFES action is getting more attention and raising the involvement of Central Jordan Valley authorities and farmers. One of theirs priority is IWRM and we cooperate for implementing digital solutions that can enhance the coordination among water manager and end users.

A very productive focus group meeting in Medenine 🇹🇳 on #Acquaount PRIMA Program Mediterranean Partnership 🇪🇺 implementation; smart sensors to assist farm & basin-level #IWRM implementation. GWP-Med Tunis office team joined Fondazione Cmcc & IRA to present WPs on Stakeholder engagement & Policy analysis.

How to deal with uncertainty? Which smart solutions for IWRM? What tools for an effective co-construction with local stakeholders? How to integrate ecosystem conservation on IWRM? We explored these questions yesterday 5forummw with GWP-Med PRIMA Program Mediterranean Partnership 🇪🇺 Fondazione Cmcc acquaount IAFES

It's been a real pleasure to participate in the 5th #Med #Water Forum in Tunisia representing the TALANOA-WATER and TRANSCEND and the Universidad de Salamanca , along with our colleagues from Fondazione Cmcc and acquaount IAFES 5forummw

🌿🌳🌍 A new study led by scientists from CMCC, Uniss, NBFC - National Biodiversity Future Center, Kunming Institute for Botany, and CIFOR-ICRAF reveals the potential of #agroforestry in mountains to mitigate #climatechange and support #ecosystems. Read more 👉 doi.org/10.48130/CAS-2… Donatella Spano

Engaging in a serious game developed by TALANOA-WATER ➡️ fruitful discussions and insights on how to advance digitalization for effective WEFE Nexus management in today's workshop by Fondazione Cmcc Universidad de Salamanca GWP-Med , with PRIMA Program Mediterranean Partnership 🇪🇺 & Union for the Mediterranean .

My division at Fondazione Cmcc is hiring a researcher to work on the impacts of climate change on human health with an emphasis on co-benefits and inequality. This is a tenure-track position! Also, you will be based in Venice! 🔗shorturl.at/V4dXj IDAlert project