Antonia May
Researcher @gesis_org
Political Sociology | National Identity Research | Data Harmonization
@[email protected]
ID: 1341429246099644416
22-12-2020 17:04:08
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My amazing colleague Anne Stroppe from GESIS presenting her research on "The Mediating Role of Societal Recognition for Radical Right Voting in Left Behind Places" at #EPSA2023 using German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES)! 🙌

Interested in the relationship between public services and trust in Germany? Check out my brilliant colleague Anne Stroppe's latest publication!

Very excited that this paper has been accepted Journal of Politics @[email protected]! Denis Cohen, Tarik Abou-Chadi, and I propose a new framework to study vote switching from a comparative perspective. Check out Denis Cohen's thread summarizing the paper's key points.

I highly recommend you read everything that comes from Tamta Gelashvili! Especially if Katherine Kondor is involved!

So proud Anne Stroppe

The second article of my PhD on the far right in Ukraine is finally online at East European Politics! tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

"Does Right-Wing Violence Affect Public Support for Radical Right Parties? Evidence from Germany" Now out in Comparative Political Studies with page numbers! Blog Post: theloop.ecpr.eu/right-wing-vio… Full Article (Open Access): journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.11…

Congrats Jack Matlack, well deserved ♥️

Very happy to share the full-fledged and #OpenAccess version of our paper published with Clemens Lechner and Claudia Wagner in Communication Methods and Measures ✨. Some brief comments on the findings and our recommendations for the #validation of #TADA & #NLP doi.org/10.1080/193124…

The rise of #RightWingPopulist parties has led some mainstream parties to adopt pro-#nationalist rhetoric. In a blog from Nations & Nationalism research, Antonia May & @[email protected] suggest this unintentionally benefits #FarRightParties, not the political mainstream bit.ly/494Gfii

Migration vor allem als Problem zu diskutieren, legitimiere die AfD, sagt der Politologe Werner Krause im Interview mit @d__nah 🔗 taz.de/!5989700

🚨PUBLICATION ALERT! How do far-right actors and issues become mainstream over time? Very excited that our article Daniel Saldivia Gonzatti Teresa Völker WZB is now out in Political Communication 📓 #openaccess @poliscires #academictwitter 🔓 doi.org/10.1080/105846… 🧵1/8

Tamta Gelashvili and I are looking to speak to anyone working in a depart., research center or NGO that focuses on terrorism/extremism and offers institutional support or protocols to prevent/respond to harm/threats of researchers + with a focus on the intersectional nature of harm

Happy personal news: Last week I finally *submitted* my PhD thesis _To draw a Line. National Identities and their Political Consequences_ to Universität Bamberg and re-joined GESIS to work on an exciting project with Sebastian Ziaja.