An Air Conditioner reverse polarity becomes a heat pump 400 W versus 1500 W over slightly longer period of time equates to equilibrium of toast- Tolstoy 🖤 thermal convergence powered by photons of yesterday
Perspective a monk is ten years of celibacy. Seven is the cellular lifespan of a human. Fourteen+ is two cellular lifespans sacrificed to an unwavering preemptive fidelity to the One. 🥺 uncharted Perspective
this one instance maybe do not avoid the Noid/Void. Proclamations into the void can go heard yet not otherwise seen to be heard. if a more direct line of communication were remotely obvious, then of course that. my failure to understand how the Internet works.🥺
Master chief & Teddy got this🌀16 handmade zero nails complete DuckTales windows. After 5.5’ of water in the house. technically high wind freshwater hurricane helps maybe.can’t lose everything twice.😂 not those windows so securely elsewhere. porous structures have advantages