Kathleen Ackert, DO
MIGS fellow @mountsinainyc, s/p OB/GYN residency @mystlukes, alumna of @pcomeducation & @sienacollege. Amateur narrative medicine writer. Tweets mine.
ID: 1119667362184278019
20-04-2019 18:21:16
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Join us for May's JMIG journal club this Thursday 5/16! Sarah Weinstein will be hosting our discussion on voiding trials after incontinence surgery. Drop your favorite voiding trial 👇 jmig.org/article/S1553-… #JMIGjc #gyntwitter #urogyn

🤔 Do you separate vaginal and abdominal surgical fields during laparoscopy? New study from the team at Cedars-Sinai, including @migsrunner. ow.ly/VFLj50SmVvz

Who was it that tweeted the Met gala looks and there was one dress that looked like the broad ligament when the person had their arms out? Was it Jorge Zárate, MD ? I want the photo for a lecture on pelvic anatomy, because it's an awesome representation.