de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit
enthusiastic research team of @MARIAPILARDELA1 at IFF-@CSIC | house of #COSYES @AgEInves, #DC8 @PHYMOL_MSCADN, #ChairTeam @COSY_Action
ID: 1819423192659718144
https://cosyes.csic.es/ 02-08-2024 17:21:57
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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin University of Tartu COST And check out some exciting reading by Prof. Joachim Sauer before the webinar: 🌟 sciencedirect.com/science/articl… 🌟pubs.acs.org/toc/jpccck/123…

We're excited to welcome our special guest felix requejo from INIFTA to the de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit in Madrid! Looking forward to fruitful discussions and a fascinating lecture during #CATCOSY2024 COSY COST Action CA21101 Meeting! 🐱⚛️ MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS IFF_CSIC COST Europeos CSIC

MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS opens the CATCOSY24 #COSY_Science @ all participants, enjoy the meeting!

Pilar de Lara-Castells de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit kicking #CatCOSY meeting within the Cost Action COSY COST Action CA21101 CSIC #MetalClusters #Photocatalysis ☀️

Ya ha empezado el #CATCOSY2024 COSY COST Action CA21101 COST Europeos CSIC organizado por de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS #PAMS #IFF CSIC

Lennard Carroll, postdoct en de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit #PAMS #IFF CSIC en su presentación en el #CATCOSY2024 COSY COST Action CA21101 Europeos CSIC

Katarzyna Krupka PhD candidate at de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit #PAMS #IFF CSIC during her talk at #CATCOSY2024 COSY COST Action CA21101 Europeos CSIC

📢 La reunión CATCOSY 2024 de COSY COST Action CA21101 (26-27/9) organizada por de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC en CSIC contó con la charla de felix requejo titulada "Caracterización in situ de pequeños cúmulos atómicos utilizando espectroscopía de absorción de rayos X" 📍cost-cosy.eu/activity/works

🎉 Congratulations to Saeed Sovizi from Uniwersytet Warszawski for winning Royal Society of Chemistry PCCP Best Poster Prize at COSY COST Action CA21101 #CATCOSY2024! 🏆👏 The award was proudly accepted by his supervisor, Prof. Robert Szoszkiewicz. 🌟🚀 COST

🎉 Congratulations to Emma-Rose Newmeyer from Northwestern Uni for winning Royal Society of Chemistry PCCP Best Poster Prize at COSY COST Action CA21101 #CATCOSY2024! 🏆👏 COST

🎉 Congratulations to Sahar Mahnaee from Gabinete de Comunicación Universidad de Valladolid for winning Royal Society of Chemistry PCCP Best Poster Prize at COSY COST Action CA21101 #CATCOSY2024! 🏆👏 COST

🚀 What's an interesting talk Leticia González The González Group has delivered at the COSY COST Action CA21101 #CATCOSY2024 meeting on MD, DFT, and QM/MM simulations of a manganese-vanadium water oxidation catalyst, both in solution and in a soft-matter environment 👇 cost-cosy.eu/activity/works…

What happiness at #CATCOSY2024! In the photo, Sahar Mahnaee Gabinete de Comunicación Universidad de Valladolid & Emma-Rose Newmeyer Northwestern—winners of the Royal Society of Chemistry PCCP Best Poster Prizes—celebrating with MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS, Chair of COSY COST Action CA21101, and Wolfgang E. Ernst, Associate Editor of PCCP ⚛️ COST

COSY COST Action CA21101 celebrates 2nd year of existence in Madrid at CSIC ! Happy birthday! 🎂 Well done MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS ! COST

Looking back at #CATCOSY2024, celebrating (sub)nanometric metal clusters science and 2 years of COSY COST Action CA21101! 🥳 Thank you to All who made it exceptional! ⚛️ See you All in our (sub)nanometric world again! 🐾 COST IFF_CSIC Europeos CSIC CSIC MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS PCCP

CATCOSY 2024: Experts Gather in Madrid to Tackle Challenges in Metal and Metal-Oxide Subnanometric Catalysis and Photocatalysis cost-cosy.eu/catcosy-2024-e… COSY COST Action CA21101 COST Europeos CSIC IFF_CSIC de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit CSIC PCCP Royal Society of Chemistry CSIC Bruselas Grupo Especializado de Física Atómica y Molecular Noelia Romero

🌟 Celebrating 2 Years of COSY COST Action CA21101 with a Cover Feature! 🌟 The stunning cover by MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS (de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit, IFF_CSIC) is now featured in Small Structures by Wiley ! onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ss… COST Europeos CSIC CSIC Bruselas PHYMOL - MSCActions Doctoral Network