Ola_Omoty NG (@aberuagbaabdul1) 's Twitter Profile
Ola_Omoty NG


IT consultant &Founder And CEO of Q-Fix Handyman And Construction Services .Facility & Real Estate Management Expert.App available on IOS and play store.

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Ola_Omoty NG (@aberuagbaabdul1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We’ve all experienced pain and fear without exception. How we approach it will determine how we live our lives. Do you allow it to paralyze you such that moving forward becomes a chore? Don’t let your pain and fear define you. Use them to spur you to greatness. Q Fix handyman & construction services

Ola_Omoty NG (@aberuagbaabdul1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There’s no need to show off how pious you are. Keep your relationship with your Maker private. Nobody knows your struggle but Him. Nobody knows the temptations that come your way but Him. So keep striving. Keep going.

There’s no need to show off how pious you are. Keep your relationship with your Maker private. Nobody knows your struggle but Him. Nobody knows the temptations that come your way but Him. So keep striving. Keep going.
Ola_Omoty NG (@aberuagbaabdul1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

People have less time for each other as life gets more hectic & stressful. That’s the sad reality. But how often has the Almighty Allah reminded us that He is near. Never think you’re alone. You’re not. Turn to Him for anything & everything.

People have less time for each other as life gets more hectic & stressful. That’s the sad reality. But how often has the Almighty Allah reminded us that He is near. Never think you’re alone. You’re not.  Turn to Him for anything & everything.
Ola_Omoty NG (@aberuagbaabdul1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It takes a lot of courage to stand alone & be yourself. It takes a lot of courage to be different. It takes a lot of courage to not compromise your faith. Some will try to make you feel like a freak for not standing with the crowd. That’s ok. Listen to your heart. #copied

It takes a lot of courage to stand alone & be yourself. It takes a lot of courage to be different. It takes a lot of courage to not compromise your faith. Some will try to make you feel like a freak for not standing with the crowd. That’s ok. Listen to your heart.
Q Fix handyman & construction services (@q_fixhandyman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Owning a home requires a lot more responsibility than renting. If something breaks down, there's no landlord to come and fix the problem; it's in the owner's hands. That means the responsibility of keeping a home clean and maintained is up to the homeowners. .

Owning a home requires a lot more responsibility
than renting. If something breaks down, there's no landlord to
come and fix the problem; it's in the owner's hands.
That means the responsibility of keeping a home clean and
maintained is up to the homeowners.
Q Fix handyman & construction services (@q_fixhandyman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't Just Make a Living, Make a Life! It's good to have abilities that can be turned into money. But it's even better to have skills that can bring you wealth that lasts forever! Master a skill and Be skillful at what you do.

Don't Just Make a Living, Make a Life!
It's good to have abilities that can be turned into money.
But it's even better to have skills that can bring you wealth that lasts forever!
Master a skill and Be skillful at what you do.
Q Fix handyman & construction services (@q_fixhandyman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Do you have a skill set? Acquire one. Acquired skills are talents and expertise often obtained through education or experience. They can m help you succeed in your current position and in future roles. Besides having the knowledge to perform your job duties,

Do you have a skill set? Acquire one.
Acquired skills are talents and expertise often obtained through education or experience. They can m help you succeed in your current position and in future roles.
Besides having the knowledge to perform your job duties,
Q Fix handyman & construction services (@q_fixhandyman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have you registered to vote? As long as you're over the age of 18, you're legally allowed to vote. Your vote is your voice. It is the only way to ensure whoever you want representing you does represent you. From your councillors to the president.

Have you registered to vote?
As long as you're over the age of 18, you're legally allowed to vote.
Your vote is your voice. It is the only way to ensure whoever you want representing you does represent you. From your councillors to the president.
Q Fix handyman & construction services (@q_fixhandyman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

qfixservice One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. Becoming extraordinary in what you do is the difference maker. As an Employees, you are not a disposable commodities.

qfixservice One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.
Becoming extraordinary in what you do is the difference maker. As an Employees, you are not a disposable commodities.
Q Fix handyman & construction services (@q_fixhandyman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The electrical systems in a home are usually ignored by most people until something goes wrong, at least. When a home electrical system suddenly fails, that's when people start to take notice and try to find ways to fix it.

The electrical systems in a home are usually ignored by most people until something goes wrong, at least.
When a home electrical system suddenly fails, that's when people start to take notice and try to find ways to fix it.
Q Fix handyman & construction services (@q_fixhandyman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Too busy to clean? We've got you covered. We have a package for everyone. Get started With #30,000, Send a DM or call +2348143157718 to get started. Download our app for android and iOS devices.

Too busy to clean? We've got you covered.  We have a package for everyone.
Get started With #30,000,
Send a DM or call +2348143157718 to get started. 
Download our app for android and iOS devices.
Q Fix handyman & construction services (@q_fixhandyman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We all know that our future depends on what we do to our present. So, if we don't shape our present now, we cannot witness the desired result in the future. Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Have a great week!

We all know that our future depends on what we do to our present. So, if we don't shape our present now, we cannot witness the desired result in the future. 
Do something today that your future self will thank you for. Have a great week!
Q Fix handyman & construction services (@q_fixhandyman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Construction Work Gets Better With Our Professional handymen. Contact us TODAY! Send a DM or call +2348143157718 [email protected] or [email protected] Visit our website: qfixservices.com #qfixservices #constructionjobs #handymanjobs

Construction Work Gets Better With Our Professional handymen.
Contact us TODAY!
Send a DM or call +2348143157718
Qfixglobals@gmail.com or info@qfixservices.com
Visit our website: qfixservices.com
#qfixservices #constructionjobs #handymanjobs
أذكار (@i1rules) 's Twitter Profile Photo

يا قاضي الحاجات ، يا كاشف الكربات ، يا مجيب الدعوات ، يا غافر الزلات عافنا واعفو عنا ، فرج همومنا ، واشرح صدورنا ، واصلح احوالنا ، وحقق آمالنا ، واشف مرضانا ، وارحم موتانا ، وأسعد قلوبنا ، واجعلنا من المقبولين عندك الذين تشملهم رحمتك في الدنيا والآخرة.