Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile
Nate Bertram


Golf fitting specialist
The man with the fancy shoes

ID: 412051127

calendar_today14-11-2011 06:21:44

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835 Following

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Step 2: got very drawn out with addition of cutting down 4 trees and pruning 3. #mushroomtop #landscaping #riptree @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lucky enough to watch a #dreamcatchers game tonight. My cousin Katelyn was amazing and this organization does an extraordinary job #forloveofthegame #specialolympics #tball @egf3487…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Step 3 almost complete, just in time for brick and rock to arrive. Saying I bit off a little more than I can chew is an understatement. #themanwiththefancyshoes #doityourself #landscaping @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1 step left to this amateur landscaping project, but you have to love when your ideas come to fruition. #landscaping #doityourself @menards @homedepot #themanwiththefancyshoes @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nothing like a little radio to wake you up in the morning. #themanwiththefancyshoes @kfan1003 @iheartradio #1440am @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

While finishing one big project, took on another. Idea almost complete! Just a couple last waves of imagination #landscaping #themanwiththefancyshoes #diy @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's a radio week @iheartradio We are streaming now on the app #1440am in the morning @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Come visit Santa tomorrow 4-7 1103 Darwin Dr. Cookies, letter writing stations, and Santa #grandforksiscooler #thingstodo #grandforks @grandforksnd @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Santa on Darwin is pairing to help the salvation army. Visit 1103 Darwin Dr Check out my fundraising page -…

Santa on Darwin is pairing to help the salvation army. Visit 1103 Darwin Dr
Check out my fundraising page -…
Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Still time to get your letters into Santa 1103 Darwin Drive Grand Forks #northdakotalife #christmaslights #christmas #holidaymap #ledlights @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to all those that have helped Santa be able to deliver to children! If you'd like to help the community click… #santaondarwin Salvation Army USA #grandforks #ChristmasSpirit #holidays #giving #ChristmasLights

Thank you to all those that have helped Santa be able to deliver to children!
If you'd like to help the community click…
<a href="/SalvationArmyUS/">Salvation Army USA</a> 
Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to all that have donated. If your interested in helping @salvationarmyus… @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to those that made Christmas brighter for others. To donate click link in bio. Salvation Army North #giveback @grandforksnd @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Radio morning, 1440 am Polka dots, stripes, and koalas oh my! #radioshow #1440am @iheartradio @grandforksnd @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…

Nate Bertram (@abc4realadl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's another fill-in radio morning #dresstoimpress #themanwiththefancyshoes @iheartmediaofficial #radio undiscoveredathletes @ Grand Forks, North Dakota…