عبدالسلام (@aalmusafir) 's Twitter Profile


persona non grata

ID: 320652301

linkhttps://instagram.com/abdul.balushi?igshid=o5bkq8bae250 calendar_today20-06-2011 08:49:53

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محمد أبوتريكة (@trikaofficial) 's Twitter Profile Photo

قرار منع الاندية والمنتخب الصهيوني تأخر إتخاذه كثيرا أسوة بقرار منع الأندية والمنتخب الروسي ولكنه النفاق بعينه .. ما حدث فى أمستردام رسالة واضحة أن قتلة الأطفال والنساء منبوذون من كل العالم الحر

Owen Jones (@owenjonesjourno) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Imagine Russian football fans in a foreign city: - Interrupted a minute’s silence in memory of dead flood victims with chants in support of killing Ukrainian children - Rampaged through the city - Ripped down Ukrainian flags - Chanted “death to Ukrainians” - Attacked local

Owen Jones (@owenjonesjourno) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There are the Israeli football thugs who rampaged in Amsterdam. They are back in Tel Aviv, relishing in Israel’s extermination of Palestinian children. Western politicians and media outlets are telling you that these are all victims. The world is turned upside down.

Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I call upon the Western media to confirm or deny that the Maccabi football supporters, well before any skirmishes, were marching on the streets on Amsterdam chanting: "There are no schools in Gaza, there are no children left there. F-ck the Arabs." [They did!]

عبدالله السعيدي (@n25abdullah25) 's Twitter Profile Photo

تضخيم الإنجازات البسيطة والإفراط في التكريم والاحتفالات وغياب المعايير المهنية الواضحة تشتت الانتباه عن العمل الجاد والإنجازات والمنجزين، وتجعل من التكريم أمر لا قيمة له فنجد رزم شهادات التقدير مُكدسة على كل صغيرة وكبيرة لدرجة الشعور بالإحراج من تكريمك في هكذا فعاليات!! لذا

liam cunningham (@liamcunningham1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Notice how quickly the mainstream media has dropped the ‘Amsterdam’ story? If you were wondering if the MSM can be trusted, your questions have just been answered.

Zarah Sultana MP (@zarahsultana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

After Russia invaded Ukraine, it was swiftly banned from all UEFA & FIFA tournaments. Yet, after 13 months of genocide that has claimed 118,000+ Palestinian lives, Israel faces no such sanctions — highlighting the racist double standards entrenched in global politics & sports.

PoliticsJOE (@politicsjoe_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Israel is finished after this." "This is this generation's Vietnam. Things will never be the same after this." Irish politician Clare Daly reacts to the ICC issuing arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu.

Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I opposed Milosevic and NATO’s bombing on Yugoslavia I opposed Saddam and the US invasion of Iraq I opposed the Taliban and the US invasion of Afghanistan I opposed Qaddafi and the US-French-UK invasion of Libya I opposed Putin and the US-EU proxy never-ending was in Ukraine I

Lowkey (@lowkey0nline) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"We can't tell the world what you are doing here..." Prime Minister Keir Starmer thanks British soldiers at an RAF Base in Cyprus which has been secretly aiding Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Adel.alkumzari (@adelalkumzari) 's Twitter Profile Photo

شاهد | الجمال والطبيعة لحظة الهبوط التدريجي لطائرة الطيران العماني نحو مطار خصب Oman Air جدير بالذكر بأن الطيران العماني يقدم رحلات مباشرة ما بين (مسقط - خصب ) يومياً ما عدا يوم الجمعه تصوير / مهند الكمزاري #الشتاء_مسندم #شتانا_على_مزاجك