AAA Academy Redlands
AAA Academy is program of Redlands Educational Partnership. The Academy offers tuition-based academic and enrichment opportunities!
ID: 1058459091859791872
http://www.aaa-academy.com 02-11-2018 20:41:27
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ExL students at Franklin ES in Redlands apply their 21st century skills playing chess, Chinese checkers and creative writing. Jennifer Gateley Ted Alejandre @SBCSS_ESS San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Juan J. Cabral Redlands USD Mars Serna Marissa

ExL students, Elin & Dayitha at Cope MS in Redlands use their after school time to finish up their AVID tutorial process using a menu design as their visual.San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools SBCSS Curriculum/Instruction, Academic Enrichment Mars Serna Ted Alejandre Juan J. Cabral Redlands USD @SBCSS_ESS Jennifer Gateley

ExL students from Cope, Moore & Clement MS in Redlands play for the ExL Soccer Championships under the lights at Cope MS.Jennifer Gateley Juan J. Cabral @SBCSS_ESS SBCSS Curriculum/Instruction, Academic Enrichment Ted Alejandre Redlands USD San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Mars Serna Marissa