Adrià Antich
Doctorate in Biodiversity by the University of Barcelona.
Interested in marine benthic ecosystems and Metabarcoding related studies.
ID: 917751049
31-10-2012 21:58:38
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Can we assess marine benthic biodiversity from water #eDNA ? Spoiler alert at #ICDBB2022 for upcoming paper by Xavier Turon and colaborators!
We feel for the committee at the #ICDBB2022, who just couldn't award only 3 presenters! 👏Another 3rd-place award goes to Adrià Antich & co-authors for the poster: “#Metabarcoding reveals high-resolution biogeographic and metaphylogeographic patterns through marine barriers”!
🚀El manual más completo que puedes encontrar para crear gráficos profesionales en R con 📦ggplot2 🔗 👤Cédric Scherer #data #dataviz #rstats #datascience #analytics #stats #DataVisualization #statistics #DataAnalytics #MachineLearning #ML #IoT #SQL #Python
Aquest matí hem pogut gaudir d'una defensa de tesis espectacular per part de l' Adrià Antich 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Moltíssimes felicitats per tan bona feina🥳 i molta sort en aquesta nova etapa! CEAB-CSIC Facultat de Biologia UB Universitat de Barcelona
Metaphylogeography allows to obtain COI haplotypes for hundreds of marine species simultaneously to characterize subtle effects of oceanographic barriers on the genetic structure of communities… Adrià Antich Owen S. Wangensteen Xavier Turon #metabarcoding
👏🏽🥳Congrats to Carles Galià Camps, PhD student of Margech, and to Alba Enguídanos García, PhD student of SpiderSysEvo, for your success on this prestigious ESEB call 🔝 Wish you all the best in your future adventure🐠🦞🐚 in #Panama 🌴, which will make you #evolve as well
Un petit pas en la recerca amb grans implicacions per a la conservació 🪸🌍🧬 Cristina Linares MedRecover Facultat de Biologia UB IRBioUB
At @Cawthron_NZ we strive to co-design #eDNA projects, share learnings and help train people and the next generation of scientists to become sentinels of the taiao and generate solid data that can support restoration and sustainability goals. Reach out to [email protected]
Great talk on new methods to assess intra- and inter-species variability using metabarcoding, by Adrià Antich 🧬🦀🐚🌊 in ASLO2023 CEAB-CSIC Margech ASLO_Palma2023
Learning from the best. Thank you Xavier Turon and Adrià Antich for sharing your projects and results with such passion! #ASLO23
Adrià Antich giving a fantastic talk at the ASLO #aslo_2023 in Palma on the biogeographic and phylogeographic patterns in the Iberian Med littoral, an episode of the #Bioinformatrix franchise :) with Owen S. Wangensteen #Creu_Palacin and #Jesús_Zarcero