Dr Sharmin Shabnam
Research Fellow in Data Science | Leicester Diabetes Centre @LRWEUnit | Ph.D. @penn_state | Reading, Gardening, Hiking, Learning | Tweets my own | She/Her
ID: 1021832841120899077
24-07-2018 19:01:48
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Our paper led by Dr Sharmin Shabnam & samuel seidu published Late basal insulin intensification (inertia) associated with ⬆️risk of cardiovascular death & macrovascular complications NIHR ARC East Midlands dom-pubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…

"Designing and Implementing Ethical and Effective AI solutions for Healthcare Transformation" - exciting PhD opportunity DECODE project at Lboro Design Loughborough University 👇 lboro.ac.uk/study/postgrad… Prof Kamlesh Khunti Leicester Real World Evidence (LRWE) AIM RSF Research at Leicester's Hospitals Freya Tyrer Dr Sharmin Shabnam

Meet our research associate Dr Navjot Kaur Leicester Real World Evidence (LRWE) DECODE project

Our dynamic DECODE project dashboard facilitates interactive visualisations of co-morbidity pairs & disease trajectories of MLTCs in people with LD-join us LPT Research Team forum in May👇 Leicester Real World Evidence (LRWE) NIHR ARC East Midlands Lboro Design Prof Kamlesh Khunti Leicester's Research AIM RSF Satheesh kumar Gangadharan Dr Alison (Ali) Drewett

Insightful discussions: first DECODE project WP4 workshop Leicester Real World Evidence (LRWE)!Sincere thanks to our profs for joining us today, your invaluable input will definitely help to improve care coordination for people with LD 👇 Prof Kamlesh Khunti Dr Alison (Ali) Drewett Thomas Jun AIM RSF NIHR CRN East Midlands

Read our latest comment published in The Lancet Reg Health-Europe: Reaching the ideal cardiovascular health: is this the key to preventing multiple long-term conditions? (multimorbidity) 🔗authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S26… Prof Kamlesh Khunti NIHR ARC East Midlands Leicester Real World Evidence (LRWE) 🌱Leicester Diabetes

Heartiest congratulations Prof Kamlesh Khunti on your well-deserved recognition - from all of us DECODE project 🥳 Thomas Jun Dr Alison (Ali) Drewett AIM RSF Lboro Design LPT Research Team Satheesh kumar Gangadharan Ashley Akbari Sarah Rabbitte 🐰 Rania Kousovista Dr Sharmin Shabnam

📢Our DECODE project updates with details about World Cafe event Loughborough University stadium on 18/09 (feeling super excited) 👇 mailchi.mp/f37c0d3755ec/d…… Prof Kamlesh Khunti Leicester Real World Evidence (LRWE) LPT Research Team NIHR CRN East Midlands Lboro Design Thomas Jun satheesh gangadharan Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust 🌱Leicester Diabetes Dr Alison (Ali) Drewett

Our DECODE project team AIM RSF conference taking place in Manchester today : excellent presentations by Dr Alison (Ali) Drewett Thomas Jun & satheesh gangadharan 👇 #PioneeringAIinMLTC Leicester Real World Evidence (LRWE) Prof Kamlesh Khunti Dr Sharmin Shabnam LPT Research Team Sarah Rabbitte Lboro Design Rania Kousovista

Great morning with all our DECODE project participants!!! Thank you for joining our World cafe Loughborough University today 🙏 Prof Kamlesh Khunti Leicester Real World Evidence (LRWE) AIM RSF Thomas Jun Dr Alison (Ali) Drewett Lboro Design Clare Gillies Dr Sharmin Shabnam LPT Research Team NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs)

NEW PROJECT: Exploring how different weight loss interventions impact the trajectories of multiple long-term conditions. This research aims to enhance personalised care for effective weight and health management. Learn more: 🔗 arc-em.nihr.ac.uk/research/explo… #MLTCs Prof Kamlesh Khunti

Our paper on combination of multiple long-term conditions and #Winter #hospitalisation and #mortality using national data on >48 million people is out in BMJMedicine 🙏 Prof Kamlesh Khunti HDM Prof Amitava Banerjee💙 Dr Sharmin Shabnam Vahé Nafilyan bmjmedicine.bmj.com/content/3/1/e0…

Excited to announce: our paper on combination of multiple long-term conditions and #Winter #hospitalisation and #mortality using national data on >48 million people is out in BMJMedicine 🙏📷 Nazrul Islam Prof Kamlesh Khunti Clare Gillies Leicester Real World Evidence (LRWE)

Our paper led by Nazrul Islam in BMJMedicine Rates of hospital admissions & mortality in winter higher in those with multiple long term conditions (MLTCs) Need for prioritisation and preventive action to reduce Winter pressures in people with MLTCs bmjmedicine.bmj.com/content/3/1/e0…

Study on socioeconomic deprivation, ethnicity, and health outcomes in preschool children with wheeze in England publications.ersnet.org/content/erj/64… #ethnicity #health #deprivation #respiratory David Lo Claire Lawson Clare Gillies Dr Sharmin Shabnam Prof Kamlesh Khunti