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ID: 1780109558406377472
16-04-2024 05:43:09
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Heartiest congratulations my friend Donald J. Trump on your historic election victory. As you build on the successes of your previous term, I look forward to renewing our collaboration to further strengthen the India-US Comprehensive Global and Strategic Partnership. Together,

Greatest 'comeback' ever in the American History!!! Restart where you left... Congratulations 47th POTUS Donald J. Trump on your historic win!!! 🇺🇸🇮🇳 #Trump #TrumpVance2024

Had a great conversation with my friend, President Donald J. Trump, congratulating him on his spectacular victory. Looking forward to working closely together once again to further strengthen India-US relations across technology, defence, energy, space and several other sectors.

“ऐथ जता भी बैठा है, इयोरा बाप दादा डकैत रया है” एक बार फिर मैदान मे शिव विधायक रविन्द्र सिंह भाटी,वन विभाग,पुलिस व कम्पनी के अधिकारियो के साथ की वार्ता,बोले,"दादागिरी करके काम करवा सकते हो तो करवालो?काम करवाना है तो पहले हमें JC करवाओ Ravindra Singh Bhati 💕