Elizabeth Beavers (@_elizabethrb) 's Twitter Profile
Elizabeth Beavers


public interest policy advocate & adjunct national security law prof but my real expertise is trash reality tv

ID: 2148079790

linkhttps://linktr.ee/_ElizabethRB calendar_today22-10-2013 00:51:39

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Matt Bellassai (@mattbellassai) 's Twitter Profile Photo

i need all these moo deng images to be time stamped so i can ensure im seeing the latest most cutting edge moo deng photography and not repeat moo deng nonsense

Ro Khanna (@rokhanna) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It is shameful that there are 50-80K Americans in Lebanon & our gov't is only helping hundreds a day find flights. Thank you ADC National, Abed A. Ayoub, & @alabasfarhat for advocating that we don’t allow one more American to die without our country doing everything to evacuate them safely.

Elizabeth Beavers (@_elizabethrb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

hard to think of a bigger ghoul in office right now Sullivan, Blinken, McGurk and the rest at least don't pretend they're anti-genocide champions while they burn the Middle East alive

Wesley Morgan (@wesleysmorgan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For anyone interested in arrangements where foreign governments pay and co-opt part of an African state’s military as a surrogate force (like US DOD 127e programs), this should be of interest: not a government doing it, but a multinational oil giant.

For anyone interested in arrangements where foreign governments pay and co-opt part of an African state’s military as a surrogate force (like US DOD 127e programs), this should be of interest: not a government doing it, but a multinational oil giant.
Elizabeth Beavers (@_elizabethrb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

easy guide: "terrorism" is any violence against the US and its friends "self defense" is any violence by the US and its friends

Saul Williams (@saulwilliams) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How are we expected to fall for this nonsense? What is 157m in relation to the latest 9billion in arms & munitions sent to the ones growing the “crisis”, who are bombing hospitals, ambulances, & toppling apartment buildings this very minute? These are words/actions of an abuser.

Isi Breen (@isaiah_bb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It’s funny that we can have one of the highest ranking officers in the US military fly to another country to direct their bombing of a third country while the President crows about how he’s avoided getting the United States involved in a war.

Elizabeth Beavers (@_elizabethrb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

this is what has been bothering me about language like the US getting "dragged into" regional war nothing is happening passively

John Hudson (@john_hudson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Biden administration no longer supporting an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon, says State Department spokesman Matthew Miller: "Yes, we do support Israel launching these incursions to degrade Hezbollah's infrastructure."