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calendar_today23-07-2022 19:05:03
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5 hours ago
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7 months ago
How would you spend a day without any internet or phone??
Do you have someone who text you daily?
what do you REALLY want right now? manifest it.
What was the last time you hugged your father?
Why are y’all so ok with being alone?
if you're not scared mention your Crush.
Do you think a person can accidentally cheat?
how to apologize her
You know you slept well when
6 months ago
If you hate someone based on what others say about them, then you are a clown.
Pretty girls have 5 letters in their name
What's a red flag about yourself?
What's the main reason you're not in a relationship?
Stop imagining your future with every person you attracted to.
Your communication skills are more important than your University degree.
What’s stopping you from recreating this??
What do you want to achieve before you die?
Which food is this??