Abhimanu Pandey (@_abhimanupandey) 's Twitter Profile
Abhimanu Pandey


Postdoctoral Researcher at The Australian National University|Immunology|Cancer|Pharmacology

ID: 1217732180924780544

calendar_today16-01-2020 08:56:11

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115 Following

Si Ming Man (@simingman1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⭐Proud to share that Abhimanu Pandey has been awarded an ASBMB Fellowship ASBMB for outstanding work in biochemistry or molecular biology!! Congrats!😊 Abhi’s research provided important insights into the immune control of cancer (1/2) #jcsmr #anu #researchimpact

⭐Proud to share that <a href="/_AbhimanuPandey/">Abhimanu Pandey</a> has been awarded an ASBMB Fellowship <a href="/ITSASBMB/">ASBMB</a> for outstanding  work in biochemistry or molecular biology!! Congrats!😊 Abhi’s research provided important insights into the immune control of cancer (1/2) #jcsmr #anu #researchimpact
Nick McCaffrey (@ausdhcindia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔬Unveiling hope in the fight against #bowelcancer! 🇮🇳-origin researcher Dr Abhimanu Pandey’s work on activating the Ku70 protein at ANU Media opens doors to innovative therapies against the fourth most diagnosed cancer in 🇦🇺. reporter.anu.edu.au/all-stories/ca… #Diaspora #healthcare

Marina Yakou (@marinayakou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to share our preclinical model of #CRC. It is crucial to understand tissue-resident immunity by modeling tumors in relevant environments!✅️ Thanks Mohamed I. Saad for the invitation to contribute this chapter! link.springer.com/protocol/10.10… ONJ Cancer Research Institute Lisa Mielke Ernst_Lab

Excited to share our preclinical model of #CRC. It is crucial to understand tissue-resident immunity by modeling tumors in relevant environments!✅️ 

Thanks <a href="/Mohamed_I_Saad/">Mohamed I. Saad</a> for the invitation to contribute this chapter!

<a href="/ONJCRI/">ONJ Cancer Research Institute</a> <a href="/Mielke_Lisa/">Lisa Mielke</a> <a href="/lab_ernst/">Ernst_Lab</a>
seth masters (@sethmasters) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We found mutations in UNC93B1 can cause early-set lupus, also reported by The Barton Lab Min Ae Lee-Kirsch Olivia Majer and colleagues, likely many more patients yet to be diagnosed. nature.com/articles/s4159…

Si Ming Man (@simingman1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⭐Happy to share this new review written with the one and only Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti Kanneganti Lab, now out in Nature Cell Biology. Find out how our immune system decodes messages from the dead😵 What are dead cells telling us before they perish?💀 rdcu.be/dSHtQ John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU ourANU

⭐Happy to share this new review written with the one and only <a href="/ThiruKanneganti/">Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti</a> <a href="/KannegantiLab/">Kanneganti Lab</a>, now out in <a href="/NatureCellBio/">Nature Cell Biology</a>. Find out how our immune system decodes messages from the dead😵 What are dead cells telling us before they perish?💀 rdcu.be/dSHtQ
<a href="/JCSMR/">John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU</a> <a href="/ourANU/">ourANU</a>
Di Yu 余迪 (@yummunology) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thrilled to share the great news #IFCCIR Child Health Research Centre UQ Medicine received #MRFF National Critical Research Infrastructure for developing a comprehensive atlas of immune cells to help children with life-threatening diseases QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Children's Health Queensland uq.edu.au/news/article/2…

ONJ Cancer Research Institute (@onjcri) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎉 Thrilled to share that an ONJ Cancer Research Institute and La Trobe University led project has been awarded $5 million from the NHMRC, to investigate treatment resistance in colorectal cancer. Congratulations to Prof John Mariadason, Dr Lisa Mielke and collaborators! Read more 👉 lnkd.in/gNNMtYS2

🎉 Thrilled to share that an <a href="/ONJCRI/">ONJ Cancer Research Institute</a> and <a href="/latrobe/">La Trobe University</a> led project has been awarded $5 million from the <a href="/nhmrc/">NHMRC</a>, to investigate treatment resistance in colorectal cancer. Congratulations to Prof John Mariadason, Dr Lisa Mielke and collaborators!

Read more 👉 lnkd.in/gNNMtYS2
Si Ming Man (@simingman1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📝Delighted to share our latest review article on emerging inflammasomes. Great collaborative work by our postdocs Abhimanu Pandey+Jerry Li, and our students Manjul Gautam+Aritra Ghosh!😊 onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11… #immunity #infection #cancer #autoinflammation

📝Delighted to share our latest review article on emerging inflammasomes. Great collaborative work by our postdocs <a href="/_AbhimanuPandey/">Abhimanu Pandey</a>+Jerry Li, and our students <a href="/Manjul_Gautam_/">Manjul Gautam</a>+<a href="/Aritra__Ghosh/">Aritra Ghosh</a>!😊 onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…
#immunity #infection #cancer #autoinflammation
Navneet (@virophobia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

✨ Excited to share our latest research on HSV lytic promoter activity during latency, now published in Journal of Virology! 🧬🔬 Big thanks to Sherin, Aaron Phillips and David Tscharke. JVirology Editors ASM John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU 💡 Learn more: journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.11… #Virology #HSV

✨ Excited to share our latest research on HSV lytic promoter activity during latency, now published in Journal of Virology! 🧬🔬
Big thanks to Sherin, Aaron Phillips and David Tscharke. <a href="/JVirology/">JVirology Editors</a> <a href="/ASMicrobiology/">ASM</a> <a href="/JCSMR/">John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU</a>
💡 Learn more: journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.11…
#Virology #HSV
Cynthia Turnbull (@cyn_turnbull) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Honoured and surprised to receive a Best Presentation Award at the 3rd Int. School on Advanced Immunology. What an amazing conference! So many inspiring scientists from diverse fields! Thanks so much to the organisers, iFReC and ImmunoSensation for an unforgettable experience….and

Honoured and surprised to receive a Best Presentation Award at the 3rd Int. School on Advanced Immunology. What an amazing conference! So many inspiring scientists from diverse fields! Thanks so much to the organisers, iFReC and <a href="/ImmunoSens/">ImmunoSensation</a> for an unforgettable experience….and
Phenomics Australia (@phenomics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Leveraging #PhenomicsAustralia advanced infrastructure to better understand disease. Dr. Abhimanu Pandey exploring how the human #immune system may contribute to the development of #gut #inflammation & #cancer. Read more: phenomicsaustralia.org.au/leveraging-phe… #NCRISImpact

Leveraging #PhenomicsAustralia advanced infrastructure to better understand disease. Dr. <a href="/_AbhimanuPandey/">Abhimanu Pandey</a> exploring how the human #immune system may contribute to the development of #gut #inflammation &amp; #cancer.

Read more: phenomicsaustralia.org.au/leveraging-phe…
Phenomics Australia (@phenomics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Canberra Clinical Phenomics Service at ANU has received a $2.8 m MRFF grant under the National Critical Research Infrastructure Initiative to develop tests for complex diseases, with #PhenomicsAustralia support ➡️ phenomicsaustralia.org.au/new-canberra-c… #NCRISImpact

Canberra Clinical Phenomics Service at ANU has received a $2.8 m MRFF grant under the National Critical Research Infrastructure Initiative to develop tests for complex diseases, with #PhenomicsAustralia support

➡️ phenomicsaustralia.org.au/new-canberra-c…

John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU (@jcsmr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to Dr Cynthia Turnbull, postdoc at #JCSMR, on receiving the prestigious Royal Society of NSW Bicentennial Early Career Research & Service Citations Award! Her pioneering work on genetic mutations driving autoimmunity & cancer is truly inspiring! Read: jcsmr.anu.edu.au/news-events/ne…

Congratulations to Dr <a href="/Cyn_Turnbull/">Cynthia Turnbull</a>, postdoc at #JCSMR, on receiving the prestigious <a href="/royalsocnsw/">Royal Society of NSW</a> Bicentennial Early Career Research &amp; Service Citations Award! Her pioneering work on genetic mutations driving autoimmunity &amp; cancer is truly inspiring! Read:
Si Ming Man (@simingman1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⭐The sweet moment when our technician Aritra Ghosh found out he has been awarded a PhD Scholarship ourANU! We look forward to supporting you+your career development as a PhD student working on cancer research😊 John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU Research at ANU Science & Medicine at ANU #PhD #JCSMR #anu #lifechanging

⭐The sweet moment when our technician <a href="/Aritra__Ghosh/">Aritra Ghosh</a> found out he has been awarded a PhD Scholarship <a href="/ourANU/">ourANU</a>! We look forward to supporting you+your career development as a PhD student working on cancer research😊 <a href="/JCSMR/">John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU</a> <a href="/ANU_Research/">Research at ANU</a> <a href="/scienceANU/">Science & Medicine at ANU</a> #PhD #JCSMR #anu #lifechanging