Youtube: youtube.com/c/1i2cVision
Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/5QWAfWu…
ID: 4827822706
http://www.1i2c.com 19-01-2016 22:03:51
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Great set of artists Fernando Ferrelli on this playlist. 👍 open.spotify.com/playlist/0uJjy… ahmed abid Juan E. Velásquez Jordan E. Spivack Chill Space 1depth_ Finding Butterflies® Enigmatic Clergy 𝟣𝒾𝟤𝒸 a little problem #spotify #playlist #indie #independant #artists

Featured Artists 1 - Aug 2024 revivalsynth.com Beautiful Machines milan This Bliss The Blue Book Project CELLESTE KronoVox STARwave 🦩🌴 eLxAr Productions Wolf Club NEWMEN aboutgorillasandvampires Sonic Spells Apex Star @danthesiser One Of The Crowd 𝟣𝒾𝟤𝒸 Enimatik

(Don't) Know how good music by #1i2c #Bloom #BušBum! #MORE #RodneyCromwell and #VideoLEclipse can be? You REALLY need to listen to #ColinSpencer Programme #117 ▶️mixcloud.com/ColinSpencer/c… #DiscoverAndRemember 𝟣𝒾𝟤𝒸 Deborah Fialkiewicz @Tonal_Shifts MORE Rodney Cromwell 💭📦 video_l_eclipse_synths

Finally Out, Possessed from Allo.B remixed plus a lot of great songs in this playlist. Check it out! Quintus Delacroix 𝟣𝒾𝟤𝒸 Most Epic Dream Louisa KERRY Skylar Nevaeh Jeremías Nicolás T-Percx Enigmatic Clergy industrial-1 open.spotify.com/playlist/4jyaU…

5 year rewind! mixcloud.com/ColinSpencer/c… for #ColinsCuts #191 on #KaneFM 103.7 featuring !distain : Cyborgdrive Remix, 𝟣𝒾𝟤𝒸, #Abfahrt : mix by #JosephWatt, Debbie Harry/BLONDIE : mixed by #DJLarryD, Bonobo, Fran Bundey, #NitzerEbb, #Play, #RobertGörl : #VinceClarke Remix +others

𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘵𝘩.𝘤𝘰𝘮 Instrumental Synth - Sept 2024 revivalsynth.com/instrumental-s…… STEREO in SOLO linktr.ee/stereoinsolo_r…… MuntConnection linktr.ee/MUNTConnection N I N A Andy Hagerty - Electronic Musician Niels Blume 𝟣𝒾𝟤𝒸 Almark Peter Hamer annie hogan Mothloop PolarvoidX

⚡️New STEREO in SOLO video 'Industrial Noise'⚡️ taken from 𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘵𝘩.𝘤𝘰𝘮 Instrumental Synth Sept 24 revivalsynth.com/instrumental-s… Armageddon Speaking DREAMPOCKET Russell Bell Leslie Keffer Ayami Suzuki Analogue Electronic Whatever Eltronn Promenade Cinema Niels Blume 𝟣𝒾𝟤𝒸 youtube.com/watch?v=ea2uMJ…