Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS
Division Chief & Associate Professor of Thoracic Surgery. Mayo Clinic & UMich Alum. Artist. Scientist. Traveler. Father. Jordanian. Loyola University Chicago
ID: 279988238
https://www.linkedin.com/in/zaid-abdelsattar-2590a28b 10-04-2011 12:05:21
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#AudioVisualAbstract : Expression Changes in Programmed Death Ligand 1 from #PrecancerousLesions to Invasive #Adenocarcinoma in Subcentimeter #PulmonaryNodules : A Large Study of 2022 Cases in China rdcu.be/dIy6V Syed A. Ahmad Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS

“Unless all the guilty men and women and their cheerleaders are held to account, we are doomed to a future of escalating horror and suffering.” @OwenJones84 The Guardian

#AudioVisualAbstract : Effect of #Preoperative Home-Based Exercise Training on Quality of Life After #LungCancer Surgery: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial rdcu.be/dLKi2 Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Syed A. Ahmad

July Issue: Complications of Outpatient Chest Tube Management for Prolonged Air Leaks After #PulmonarySurgery Leah Backhus MD MPH FACS Natalie Lui rdcu.be/dPsp7 Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Syed A. Ahmad

August Issue: Left Upper Division #Segmentectomy Compared with #Lobectomy for Lung Expansion and Bronchus Tortuosity rdcu.be/dPMPj Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Syed A. Ahmad

The Hines VA is also a VALOR study site. Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Abhishek Solanki Matthew Harkenrider, MD

#AudioVisualAbstract : Clinical Outcomes of Preserving #BronchialArteries During Radical #Esophagectomy : A Propensity-Score Matched Analysis rdcu.be/dQfGb Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Syed A. Ahmad

Strong work by Anish Jay Jain MD in spearheading this analysis! Glad to be part of the AnnalsSurgOncology #SoMe crew! More to come 📝 Kelly McMasters, MD, PhD Syed A. Ahmad Gilbert Z Murimwa, M.D. Allison Martin, MD MPH Chris Childers Nadege Fackche M.D.🇨🇲🇺🇸 Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Raja Narayan, MD MPH Society of Surgical Oncology UTHSC Department of Surgery

#AudioVisualAbstract : CT-Based #DeepLearningModel for Spread-Through-Air-Spaces Prediction in Ground Glass-Predominant #LungAdenocarcinoma rdcu.be/dQYoI Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Syed A. Ahmad

Andrew M. Fleming, MD Anish Jay Jain MD AnnalsSurgOncology Kelly McMasters, MD, PhD Syed A. Ahmad Gilbert Z Murimwa, M.D. Allison Martin, MD MPH Chris Childers Nadege Fackche M.D.🇨🇲🇺🇸 Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Raja Narayan, MD MPH Society of Surgical Oncology UTHSC Department of Surgery That’s a star-studded author line up! Congrats all!!! Not surprised Anish Jay Jain MD 👏🏾

Don't miss the STS TweetChat on learning more about the secrets to avoiding common pitfalls as a CT surgeon this Wednesday, Aug. 21, 8 p.m. ET. Use #CTCareers to chat with Dr. Joseph D. Phillips, MD FACS and other surgeons nationwide. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. #CTSurgery

#AudioVisualAbstract : Robotic Versus Thoracoscopic Sub-lobar Resection for Octogenarians with Clinical Stage IA Non-small Cell #LungCancer : A Propensity Score-Matched Real-World Study rdcu.be/dSOXb Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Syed A. Ahmad

From the September Issue of AnnalsSurgOncology: Extent and Boundaries of Lymph Node Stations During Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy : A Survey Among Dutch Esophageal Surgeons rdcu.be/dS7l2 Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Syed A. Ahmad