Yuri Kazepov
ID: 450661069
https://urbinoc.academia.edu/YuriKazepov 30-12-2011 14:14:58
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In Mourning/In Rage Mine, too. I found this helpful today to understand my fatigue at the end of those meeting marathons: theconvivialsociety.substack.com/p/a-theory-of-…
Diese Woche fand ein digitaler Workshop im Projekt „Bildungslücken schließen!“ des SVR-Forschungsbereichs statt, das #Bildungschancen von jungen #Neuzugewanderten in ausgewählten EU-Ländern untersucht. Weiterlesen: svr-migration.de/forschungsbere… jude jaco - [email protected] Alejandro Montes Xavier Rambla
I am happy to share this research on territorial #disparities of #youth labour market opportunities in the #EU co-authored with Yuri Kazepov and Ruggero Cefalo link.springer.com/article/10.100… Regional Studies Association European Commission EU Social 🇪🇺 OECD SMEs, Regions, Cities & Tourism
Welcome to tomorrow's Urban Book Series with Shane Phillips presenting "The Affordable City: Strategies for Putting Housing Within Reach (and keeping it there)" #urbanfutures #urbanresearch #WohnWissen #lowbudgeturbanity urban-futures.at/univie-urban-b…
The #WorldYouthSkillsDay is the perfect moment to share our research on youth and territories in the EU, with Rosario Scandurra and Yuri Kazepov. #YouthLabourMarket #Youth Article 1/4: tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…
Un all-around su ruoli e funzioni del #Welfare, per chi fosse interessato a politiche sociali, storia, conflitti. Arrivato stamattina, grazie Chiara Giorgi! Qui il capitolo con Yuri Kazepov su territori e politiche: rivisteweb.it/doi/10.7377/10…
Job opportunity Universität Wien : PhD position allocated Research Platform: The Challenge of Urban Futures focussing on the tensions between social policy and environmental policy with Yuri Kazepov #urbanresearch #climateurbanism urban-futures.at/detailsansicht…
Save already now the dates for the next term "Hot off the Press" book presentation series Research Platform: The Challenge of Urban Futures with city w/ Isabelle Anguelovski + James Connolly, Tom Slater, John Forester and Hillary Angelo #urbanresearch #CityAndPromise #sustainable urban-futures.at/events/book-pr…