Yara Abo
Paediatric Infectious Diseases Physician and General Paediatrician, PhD student
ID: 1029721840791498755
15-08-2018 13:29:52
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FDG-PET is not part of the usual diagnostic work up for KD but this case shows proof of principal with coronary artery inflammation not appreciated on ECHO. Patient continued to be followed further than standard 6 weeks for normal ECHO Prof Margie Danchin Dave Burgner

It’s important to acknowledge milestones - this arrived in the mail today, thank you to the paediatric education team Rob Roseby 💉💉💉 et al

And the Bill Marshall Award 2022 goes to...Nigel Curtis!🏆 Congratulations! 🤩 Nigel Curtis #ESPID2022

🥵 Hot coronary & systemic arteries in a child with KD, WITHOUT dilatation. 😱 😬 😥 adc.bmj.com/content/107/6/… Thank you Yara Abo Prof Margie Danchin Dave Burgner et al. for this excellent report & terrifying image (that will haunt my dreams next time I’m on ward service!)

Having blood cancer can be overwhelming, but professionally-guided exercise even when unwell is safe and can boost recovery UniMelb MDHS Shaza Abo Physiotherapy UniMelb #WorldBloodCancerDay DKMS UK | We Delete Blood Cancer Linda Denehy Camille Short A/Prof Selina Parry →go.unimelb.edu.au/5sre

We had a ball ASIDANZ ANZPID #ASID2023 thanks amazing organising committee! Coen Butters angieberkhout

Many congratulations to Liz Whittaker Wyld for being awarded the #Espid2023 prize for science communication. Always knowledgeable, always committed, always a champion! Proud of you!! Aubrey Cunnington Jethro Herberg James Seddon

Increase in invasive group A streptococcal disease among Australian children coinciding with northern hemisphere surges - important longitudinal data and collaborative effort authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S26… Jane Oliver Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) NCIRS Josh Osowicki Christopher Blyth Joshua Francis

Important coverage of the invasive Strep A situation in Australia, key new data and urgent vaccine need Asha Bowen Yara Abo Thel Hla Josh Osowicki theguardian.com/australia-news…