Yexin Yang
ID: 3289592988
24-07-2015 09:58:02
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So grateful to find out about my student giving a great talk through Twitter! Of course I am not at all surprised - eric hoyeon song is a rock star! #GRC_neuroimmune. Yale Department of Immunobiology

Meet the Prof. Akiko Iwasaki lab from Yale Department of Immunobiology Yale School of Medicine They're interested in Cellular trafficking; Host-pathogen interactions; Immune memory; Innate immunity; Mucosal immunology; #Neuroimmunology; #Vaccines; Viral immunity #ImmunityCommunity cell.com/immunity/commu…

The first Prof. Akiko Iwasaki lab brain tumor paper is out today! nature.com/articles/s4158…. We began the project wanting to understand the role of meningeal lymphatics in brain tumor. To our surprise, when we expanded the lymphatics with VEGF-C, mice could no longer grow tumors!

This is a cautionary tale of how anti-Spike antibody may make COVID disease worse. In this study, the authors show that anti-Spike IgG made SARS-CoV disease worse by switching macrophage from wound-healing to proinflammatory phenotype. A thread (1/n) insight.jci.org/articles/view/…

New Comment article from Prof. Akiko Iwasaki and Yexin Yang on the potential danger of suboptimal antibody responses in COVID-19 nature.com/articles/s4157…

AND IT’S LIVE: our latest pre-print, on the use of saliva as a diagnostic sample for #SARSCoV2 testing, from the massive team effort on Yale’s #COVID19 response Yale School of Public Health Yale Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases Yale School of Medicine Prof. Akiko Iwasaki Global Health @ Yale Yale University Yale New Haven Hosp disq.us/t/3o287u4

PD-1 blockade-driven anti-tumor CD8+ T cell immunity requires XCR1+ dendritic cells | #Cancer #Melanoma #immunotherapy #PD1 #cDC1 #XCR1 | Tianyang Mao, Eric Song & Akiko Iwasaki Prof. Akiko Iwasaki Tianyang Mao eric hoyeon song Yale School of Medicine Yale Department of Immunobiology | Preprint bit.ly/3aPgZ0n

And we’re off to a fantastic start to the #IwasakiLabReunion Symposium! In the first session Ellen Foxman discussing viral interference during respiratory infections and Jennifer Lund on the role of Tregs during viral infections. 🙌🔥

Thinking of all the women left anxious and confused about the vaccine, who deserve so much more from us. And eternally grateful to the two women in particular Randi Hutter Epstein and Prof. Akiko Iwasaki who believed in this message and in me. Mentorship matters. nytimes.com/2021/01/26/opi…

Today is #WorldAidsDay2021 Sharing our new review on "Impact of Chronic HIV Infection on SARS-CoV-2 Infection, COVID-19 Disease and Vaccines” by Yexin Yang. A short thread (1/) link.springer.com/article/10.100…

Our new study by Jieun Oh eric hoyeon song Miyu Moriyama et al shows that immune priming via intranasal route provides superior protection against heterologous respiratory virus challenge. The key is in inducing local secretory IgA with broader coverage. (1/) science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

Absolutely fantastic thesis defense being delivered by soon to be doctor Tianyang Mao, spanning RIG-I antiviral approaches to #PrimeandSpike nasal vaccines 🤩 Yale Department of Immunobiology Yale School of Medicine

Happy to share our latest work by Yexin Yang et al. on antibody-mediated control of endogenous retroviruses in mice. In the process, we found “natural antibodies” with broad reactivity against enveloped viruses. Here is how “panviral” antibodies work 🧵(1/) science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

This incredible discovery of natural antibody recognition of viral gycans by Yexin Yang is the result of her meticulousness, creativity, and perseverance. So satisfying and inspiring to watch this story unfold and take so many unexpected turns during my PhD. Congratulations to all!!