Xinyi Zhao
PhD student at MPIDR and the University of Oxford
ID: 1211077816466337792
29-12-2019 00:13:57
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279 Following

Check out our latest #PopDigest analysing the migration rates of internationally mobile researchers returning to Germany 🇩🇪! Written by Xinyi Zhao (MPIDR Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science), Samin Aref (University of Toronto), Emilio Zagheni MPIDR) and @Stecklov (University of British Columbia) Read now: bit.ly/3vg4xE6

Meet Xinyi Zhao, who tells us about her experience as a #DPhil student at University of Oxford 📚👩🎓 👀 Read her Student Spotlight here ➡️ bit.ly/3DU6tXW

Grandparents are set to play an ever more important role in families and societies, as exemplified by The Economist novel data on kin availability. These (rough) estimates come from cutting-edge methods in kinship demography and are fully reproducible 👉 github.com/alburezg/grand…

.Xinyi Zhao Aliakbar Akbaritabar, @akbaritabar.bsky.social Ridhi Kashyap and Emilio Zagheni offer the first global and dynamic view on the migration of academics by gender published in PNASNews. demogr.mpg.de/en/news_events…

NEW 📝 pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pn… Xinyi Zhao & Ridhi Kashyap's new study with MPIDR shows that female scientific researchers are less internationally mobile than their male counterparts, although the gender gap has shrunk. The Leverhulme Trust University of Oxford Aliakbar Akbaritabar, @akbaritabar.bsky.social Emilio Zagheni

We just started our third and final session Methods in Migration Research (Meth@Mig - IMISCOE) IESA CSIC #MigMethBiasWS "Positionality in qualitative research" chaired by Laila Omar, PhD Yolanda López García Jade Hyundai Park University of Sussex Ester Höle & Uwe Hunger #universityofappliedsciencefulda Thanks !! Gracias a todos/as

“More female researchers than ever migrate internationally”… Nice write-up of our recent PNAS paper led by Xinyi Zhao , with Aliakbar Akbaritabar, @akbaritabar.bsky.social and Ridhi Kashyap nature.com/articles/d4158…

Wait, isn't is #MeetThePopStudiesPhD again... ? 🌟 Meet Chia-Jung Tsai! Chia-Jung Tsai 🎓 She's a PhD candidate at the MPIDR IMPRS-PHDS 🇩🇪 & DemoSoc UPF in sunny Barcelona. 🇪🇸🌞 She studies #attitudes toward refugee population. 🌍🤳📢 1/

Xinyi Zhao is currently a visiting fellow at the #MZES. We are excited to have her with us. Today, she presented her work "gender differences in online visibility of early-career researchers" at our Mittelbau colloquium.

📽️📽️📽️ Video Spotlight on Jisu Kim (Jisu Kim) and her publication on "Online Social Integration of Migrants" together with Wang Sonne Ingmar Weber Kiran Garimella, A. Grow and Emilio Zagheni! We did a short video on the paper. 📺📺📺 Watch here and enjoy: demogr.mpg.de/go/osi-migrants

My first self-promotion Tweet for my first poster prize (a little shy but exited). Humbled and honored to be awarded the Best Poster Prize by IMPRS-PHDS . My deepest gratitude to PHDS and the selection committee, and everyone who gives me comments and suggestions on my poster!

🎉Congratulations to Xinyi Zhao! She won two awards in December: the Jan M. Hoem Paper Award für her publication on "A gender perspective on the global migration of scholars" and the Best Poster Award at the fifth IMPRS-PHDS Annual Academy. Read all: demogr.mpg.de/en/news_events…

🎉💐🍾 Congrats Diego Alburez! Last night he received the #EuropeanDemographerAward in Berlin.Diego has been recognized as promising & upcoming researcher 2023.We're hoping to see & learn a lot more from him in the future! demogr.mpg.de/go/EDA-23 #BerlinDemographyDays Population Europe

📲 Xinyi Zhao is studying the #gender differences in online visibility of early-career #researchers to assess if #SocialMedia can help equalise visibility and impact.

The pandemic will likely have (some) restructuring consequences for the US population. Before you say “Duh Andrea, mortality was really high,” take a read through the latest publication from me and this exceptional team Antonino Polizzi Sander Wagner Eva Akimova 🇺🇦 doi.org/10.1038/s41467…

🥳 Huge congrats to Xinyi Zhao who sailed through her viva with no corrections 👏Her thesis is on the gender inequality in academia: opportunities and challenges in the era of globalisation and digitalisation The Leverhulme Trust MPIDR Sociology at Oxford

🎉🎓Congratulations! Xinyi Zhao successfully defended her dissertation on "Gender inequality in academia: Opportunities and Challenges in the Era of Globalization and Digitalization" University of Oxford. Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science Sociology at Oxford IMPRS-PHDS Read all: demogr.mpg.de/en/news_events…

It was a pleasure to review Dr. Xinyi Zhao's thesis from the Sociology at Oxford, University of Oxford and MPIDR with Professor David Garcia. Best of luck, Dr. Xinyi, with your promising career! 👩🎓

Happy 5th birthday to us! 🥳 buff.ly/3Da6Kre In October, we celebrated five years of disrupting and realigning #demography with the #demographic community at our #DemSciSummit The Leverhulme Trust Nuffield College Oxford Population Health (OxPop) University of Oxford Melinda Mills 📽️ Oxford Atelier