Wendimagegn Alemayehu
ID: 970723223540133888
05-03-2018 18:10:26
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The JCF team is excited to share the 2021 Japanese HF Guideline Update. Concise document w super informative tables and figures. Check it out! 日本心不全学会(公式) HFSA Anu Lala-Trindade Randall Starling Mark Drazner BiykemBozkurt Mona Fiuzat Christopher O'Connor Gregg Fonarow MD Nasrien E. Ibrahim MD, MPH Javed Butler James Januzzi Jr MD
Awesome job, Justin Ezekowitz ! Congratulations to SODIUM-HF team! A tough trial to do! Canadian VIGOUR Centre UAlberta Med & Dent
#SODIUM_HF was presented today as a late-breaking clinical trial at #ACC22, and simultaneously published in @thelancet (thelancet.com/journals/lance…) @justinezekowitz American College of Cardiology CIHR @GivetoUHF UAlberta Med & Dent Canadian VIGOUR Centre learn more about SODIUM-HF: sodiumhftrial.com
New #editorschoice in #cjph_rcsp "An updated reference for age-sex-specific birth weight percentiles stratified for ethnicity based on data from all live birth infants between 2005 and 2014 in Alberta, Canada" by Padma Kaul and team. link.springer.com/article/10.172…
In a new #metaanalysis of 17 #RCTs investigating effects of dietary #sodium restriction on clinical outcomes in patients with #HeartFailure, Sodium restriction did not reduce risk of💀, 🏥, or composite of💀/🏥 Circ: Heart Failure bit.ly/3g34rLw
Dr. Patrick MacDonald and his team University of Alberta seek to understand how the production of insulin varies from person to person, and how this may contribute to the risk of developing #diabetes. Read more about their project: cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52846.html?f… #DiabetesAwarenessMonth
Akhmetzhan Galimzhanov doug chang Mamas A. Mamas Gary Collins 🇪🇺 Maarten van Smeden Andrew Ng That distinction is not correct - there is huge stats literature on prediction using penalisation & shrinkage approaches It’s about the right method & approach to answer the right research question, not stats vs ML per se Comparisons need to be fair too pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30763612/
For anyone manipulating longitudinal data, the data.table package in #rstats is invaluable. Here is a new example, of regularizing irregularly-timed longitudinal measurements: hbiostat.org/rflow/long#sec… Vanderbilt Department of Biostatistics #Statistics #DataScience
Proud to have partnered with patients, PHA Canada and Canadian VIGOUR Centre on this important project.