豊川航 Wataru Toyokawa (@watarutoyokawa) 's Twitter Profile
豊川航 Wataru Toyokawa


watarutoyokawa.bsky.social Konstanz / RIKEN / Exeter / Computational Group Dynamics (COGNAC) lab / ケヴィン・レイランド『人間性の進化的起源: なぜヒトだけが複雑な文化を創造できたのか』(勁草書房)

ID: 232845055

linkhttps://sites.google.com/site/watarutoyokawa/home calendar_today01-01-2011 13:55:49

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1,1K Following

Publish or Perish: A Humorous Game about Academia (@thepublishgame) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Publish or Perish Game is a humorous party game about academic publishing. Players race to publish manuscripts with useless nonsense while sabotaging each other's research and delivering "very helpful" comments, Reviewer 2 style.

Alexandra Witt (@alexandrawitt_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How do we integrate social information from others with similar, but distinct, preferences? Find the answer in the first publication of my PhD, now out in PNAS! (pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pn…)🎉 Or get the quick rundown in the thread below 🧵

How do we integrate social information from others with similar, but distinct, preferences? Find the answer in the first publication of my PhD, now out in PNAS! (pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pn…)🎉 Or get the quick rundown in the thread below 🧵
Eduardo Sampaio (@octoeduardo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We describe how octopus-fish groups can work, can malfunction, and can lead to benefits! Give it a read and don't forget to see the videos for punching, displacements, and examples of solo vs collaborative hunting!! 🐙🐠🐟 Out in NatureEcoEvo!!

Kazuhisa Shibata (@kazuhi_s_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

【リポスト歓迎】 2025年4月かそれ以降開始で研究員を募集します。学習、潜在過程、能力の限界突破に関する研究を予定しています。詳しく聞いてみたい、相談してみたいという方、お気軽にお問い合わせください!Zoom等でお話できます 日本語 cbs.riken.jp/jp/careers/202… 英語 cbs.riken.jp/en/careers/202…

Kazuhisa Shibata (@kazuhi_s_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

[Repost appreciated] We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher, starting at Apr 2025 or later, who will work on learning, subconscious process, and breaking performance limit. Please email me if interested. Let's have chat! ENG cbs.riken.jp/en/careers/202… JPN cbs.riken.jp/jp/careers/202…

北海道大学 人間知・脳・AI研究教育センター / CHAIN, Hokkaido Univ (@chainhokudai) 's Twitter Profile Photo

こちらあさってです: 第47回人間知・脳・AIセミナー 「集合的予測符号化仮説:個体の認知と社会の文化をつなぐ統合理論に向けて」 講演者:谷口 忠大 (京都大学) Tanichu/たにちゅー (Tadahiro Taniguchi, 谷口忠大) 日時:9月26日(木)16:30-18:00 形式:対面(W202)&Zoom配信(要登録) 言語:日本語 登録はこちら:let.hokudai.ac.jp/event/25205

Vivek Hari Sridhar (@vivekhsridhar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Checkout our new manuscript on mixed-species hunting by octopus fish groups. Turns out, both parties benefit from these interactions and cheaters are punished with punches! Amazing work lead by Eduardo Sampaio!

University of St Andrews (@univofstandrews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A new understanding of adaptive evolution is emerging, thanks to an international team of scientists led by the School of Biology The team describe how the evolutionary process has itself evolved over time via Princeton University Press @princetonupress.bsky.s Read more👇 ow.ly/Ly6b50TurmI #EverToExcel

A new understanding of adaptive evolution is emerging, thanks to an international team of scientists led by the <a href="/SchoolofBiology/">School of Biology</a>

The team describe how the evolutionary process has itself evolved over time via <a href="/PrincetonUPress/">Princeton University Press @princetonupress.bsky.s</a>

Read more👇


Richard Mann (@richardpmann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our new paper out today uses a mathematically-tractable model of collective navigation to study accuracy trade offs from individually rational behaviour, effects of group composition and emergence of leadership royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rs…

Our new paper out today uses a mathematically-tractable model of collective navigation to study accuracy trade offs from individually rational behaviour, effects of group composition and emergence of leadership

MK lab (@mkoba_lab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

いま助成いただいているトヨタ財団の「先端技術と共創する新たな人間社会」の2024年度募集が開始されたそうです。心理学も対象範囲だと思います。 toyotafound.or.jp/grant/advanced/

Nature ダイジェスト/編集部 (@naturedigest) 's Twitter Profile Photo


豊川航 Wataru Toyokawa (@watarutoyokawa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A postdoc position on modelling cultural evolution opening at Joe Wakano’s team in the Meiji University, Tokyo! jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDe…

Mari Kawakatsu (@mkawakatsu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Super excited to see this out in the world! Check out the paper + explainer 🧵by lead author Sebastián Michel Mata to see why you should "look twice and forgive once" when judging social behavior ⤵️