豊川航 Wataru Toyokawa
watarutoyokawa.bsky.social Konstanz / RIKEN / Exeter / Computational Group Dynamics (COGNAC) lab / ケヴィン・レイランド『人間性の進化的起源: なぜヒトだけが複雑な文化を創造できたのか』(勁草書房)
ID: 232845055
https://sites.google.com/site/watarutoyokawa/home 01-01-2011 13:55:49
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We describe how octopus-fish groups can work, can malfunction, and can lead to benefits! Give it a read and don't forget to see the videos for punching, displacements, and examples of solo vs collaborative hunting!! 🐙🐠🐟 Out in NatureEcoEvo!!
[Repost appreciated] We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher, starting at Apr 2025 or later, who will work on learning, subconscious process, and breaking performance limit. Please email me if interested. Let's have chat! ENG cbs.riken.jp/en/careers/202… JPN cbs.riken.jp/jp/careers/202…
こちらあさってです: 第47回人間知・脳・AIセミナー 「集合的予測符号化仮説:個体の認知と社会の文化をつなぐ統合理論に向けて」 講演者:谷口 忠大 (京都大学) Tanichu/たにちゅー (Tadahiro Taniguchi, 谷口忠大) 日時:9月26日(木)16:30-18:00 形式:対面(W202)&Zoom配信(要登録) 言語:日本語 登録はこちら:let.hokudai.ac.jp/event/25205
Checkout our new manuscript on mixed-species hunting by octopus fish groups. Turns out, both parties benefit from these interactions and cheaters are punished with punches! Amazing work lead by Eduardo Sampaio!
Fumbling live on BBC News (UK) while talking about our new research on octopus-fish groups 😃 Full NatureEcoEvo paper here: nature.com/articles/s4155… Centre for the Adv Study of Collective Behaviour Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
Ted Gibson, Language Lab MIT and I are so pleased about this: mitpress.mit.edu/cognitive-scie… Thanks to Harvard Library MIT Libraries The MIT Press @mitpress.bsky.social for making this happen!
A new understanding of adaptive evolution is emerging, thanks to an international team of scientists led by the School of Biology The team describe how the evolutionary process has itself evolved over time via Princeton University Press @princetonupress.bsky.s Read more👇 ow.ly/Ly6b50TurmI #EverToExcel
Super excited to see this out in the world! Check out the paper + explainer 🧵by lead author Sebastián Michel Mata to see why you should "look twice and forgive once" when judging social behavior ⤵️