Wannes Swinnen
Human movement biomechanics - Postdoctoral researcher @BSW_UGent and @KU_Leuven
ID: 1550949546
27-06-2013 16:17:10
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Tijdens de COVID-pandemie de loopmicrobe te pakken gekregen maar jammergenoeg last beginnen krijgen aan uw #Achillespees? Dan bent u misschien wel dé geschikte kandidaat voor dit #onderzoek samen met Prof. Dr. BenedicteVanwanseele & Prof. Dr. Stijn Bogaerts

Triceps surae muscle force potential and force demand shift with altering stride frequency in running | onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11… New paper out with BenedicteVanwanseele Ine Mylle Friedl De Groote @woutersinas

I'm looking for MS/PhD students interested in biomechanics, physiology, & walk/run performance. Focus: linking leg & muscle-tendon mechanics to metabolism, fatigue, & speed. Where? UT Austin Dept Kinesiology Contact me w/ CV & interests Lab: sites.edb.utexas.edu/hll/human-loco… More info 👇

Yesterday was a good day! Grateful I could publically defend my PhD in front of family, friends and colleagues. A big thank you to my great supervisors BenedicteVanwanseele Friedl De Groote @woutersinas for the journey these last 4 years #teamworkmakesthedreamwork

After his successful defense on monday, another great presentation of Wannes Swinnen at #E_C_S_S.

Everesting: cycling the elevation of the tallest mountain on Earth | Such a fun project together with Emily Laughlin & @woutersinas European Journal of Applied Physiology link.springer.com/epdf/10.1007/s…

Evaluating the “cost of generating force” hypothesis across frequency in human running and hopping StephenAllen Alena Grabowski journals.biologists.com/jeb/article-ab…

Faster triceps surae muscle contraction velocity translates to increased whole-body metabolic rate in vivo | New study with Friedl De Groote @wouterhoogkamer & BenedicteVanwanseele journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.115…

Are we ready to adopt more accurate muscle models into musculoskeletal simulations of human movement? Read our new review here: authors.elsevier.com/a/1hCwo4-6-e5QT Special #ISB50 IntSoc Biomechanics Journal of Biomechanics It has been a pleasure to work with you, James Wakeling Lab and Friedl De Groote

"Muscle fiber typology affects whole-body metabolic rate during isolated muscle contractions and human locomotion" I New paper out in Journal of Physiology with BenedicteVanwanseele TeamDerave Eline Lievens Friedl De Groote doi.org/10.1113/JP2858…