Audit Wales / Archwilio Cymru
We’re here to Assure, Explain and Inspire | Ein nod yw Sicrhau, Egluro ac Ysbrydoli.
ID: 87709645
http://www.audit.wales 05-11-2009 15:17:37
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Auditor General Adrian Crompton: ‘More fundamental challenges now need to be grasped around the shape and infrastructure of the NHS, the level of funding it needs, its workforce challenges and how the demand for its services can be better managed.’

Archwilydd Cyffredinol, Adrian Crompton: ‘Mae angen mynd i’r afael â heriau mwy sylfaenol nawr o ran siâp a seilwaith y GIG, lefel y cyllid sydd ei angen arno, yr heriau y mae’n eu hwynebu o ran y gweithlu a sut y gellir rheoli’r galw am ei wasanaethau yn well.'