Vikes (@vikeslol) 's Twitter Profile


🇩🇪 18 yo Grandmaster Toplaner for
Enabled by @EsportsPlayerF1

ID: 1525907970046976002

link calendar_today15-05-2022 18:36:30

234 Tweet


74 Following

Vikes (@vikeslol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🥶Im going to #BREAKTHEICE in 2024🥶 Meine Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr: 🧊Peak 1,2klp 🧊Immer Focused bei der Sache bleiben 🧊Gym weiter durchziehen 🧊Top 4 🧊Individuell so gut werden wie es geht. 🧊Div 1 ready für 2025

Vikes (@vikeslol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

First Match sadly was a lose. BUT WE ARE COMING BACK STRONGER GGWP Spinebusters E-Sport and best of luck in your next games! We are already hyped for the Match on Friday against @WeSports_de see you

First Match sadly was a lose. 

GGWP <a href="/Spinebusters_/">Spinebusters E-Sport</a> and best of luck in your next games! 

We are already hyped for the Match on Friday against @WeSports_de see you
Vikes (@vikeslol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

GGs @WeSports_de 1-1 this week. I am really proud of us and we keep on improving. I am not so happy with my performance today, but my team got my back :) TUESDAY AGAINST Kaufland Hangry Knights WE WILL WIN.. surely..

GGs @WeSports_de 
1-1 this week. I am really proud of us and we keep on improving. 
I am not so happy with my performance today, but my team got my back :) 
TUESDAY AGAINST <a href="/HangryKnights/">Kaufland Hangry Knights</a> WE WILL WIN.. surely..
Direct Rising eSports (@direct_rising) 's Twitter Profile Photo

LOOKING FOR PLAYERS! Für den Die Techniker Prime League Spring Split in Liga 4 sind wir noch auf der Suche nach ambitionierten und talentierten #LeagueofLegends Spielern! Nutze Deine Chance und melde dich bei @Uslu33Sinan Gerne auch als Full Roster bewerben!…

Vikes (@vikeslol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ist zwar bisschen spät, aber danke für dieses schöne Event esports player foundation . Durfte super Menschen kennenlernen und viel mitnehmen. Grüße an alle und hoffentlich sieht man sich wieder 😘. Xagog Looki Don Arts K0r4yye Lukelol Bin dankbar das ich teilnehmen durfte.

Ben (@niceguyben_lol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My journey with ROSSMANN Centaurs has come to an end. Looking forward I am open for offers for toplane for winter 2024 and 2025. For references you can ask any of my past teammates. Feel free to dm me for any further questions. ❤️ for likes and retweets

My journey with <a href="/HNVRxROSSMANN/">ROSSMANN Centaurs</a> 
has come to an end. Looking forward I am open for offers for toplane for winter 2024 and 2025. 

For references you can ask any of my past teammates. Feel free to dm me for any further questions.
❤️ for likes and retweets