Ex-police | WEB-3 | Artist ⭕️ ETH: foundation.app/@ViGay_NFT SOL: exchange.art/vigay/nfts ▫️ Founder: @Flippo_Kwa
ID: 1618717552309411861
https://vigay.eth.co 26-01-2023 21:08:51
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922 Following

⭕️ 22 September | NEW DROP on Exchange Art It's hard for me to imagine myself in the role of a "model"... but the thirst for experiment sometimes takes over! Really so excited who will feel and appreciate🤍 🔗👇🏻 $PFT

⭕️ Happy Birthday Lord Pirate Wheels 🥳🤩 On this day, I wish that friends and family were nearby, and the warmth of their hearts truly warmed you. Let no difficulty upset you, and life give you pleasant moments! $LEGEND