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Find a business without the battle. The UK’s largest online Directory of Veteran Owned Businesses.
#buyveteran #adecembertoremember

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A great evening networking with fellow veteran owned businesses at Eagle Labs newest venue in Poole. Great to hear from ExplorerCoffees, Gillian Jones Designs and Alex Dobbins on their journeys in business. Looking forward to the next one which will be in Newcastle on the 14th Sept.

A great evening networking with fellow veteran owned businesses at <a href="/eagle_labs/">Eagle Labs</a> newest venue in Poole. 

Great to hear from <a href="/ExplorerCoffees/">ExplorerCoffees</a>, <a href="/GillAJones/">Gillian Jones Designs</a> and Alex Dobbins on their journeys in business. 

Looking forward to the next one which will be in Newcastle on the 14th Sept. (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The "Talks with Hugh James" video series has moved over to YouTube. This month, Scott talks to the Hugh James team about Non-Freezing Cold Injuries (NFCI's). Some great information for thos who have served in colder locations. Take a look 👀 (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take a look at the most recent video filmed with Hugh James where Scott talks with Simon Ellis about the Camp LeJeune water scandal and how that impacts UK personnel that may have served there. Click below to watch: (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out the latest video with Hugh James where Scott talks to the team about Noise Induced Hearing Loss. As always, the video is packed with great information for anyone who wants to learn more about this issue. Take a look 👀 👇 (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It’s Small Business Saturday. You can show your support for small businesses by putting some of your festive spend through a small business rather than a corporate giant. Alternatively, you can support for free by helping their social media a little as shown in the image.

It’s Small Business Saturday. 

You can show your support for small businesses by putting some of your festive spend through a small business rather than a corporate giant. 

Alternatively, you can support for free by helping their social media a little as shown in the image. (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please take a look at the latest video where our Founder, Scott talks with Catrin Williams from the Hugh James team about Wills and Estate Planning. This is the final video of 2023 but lots more to come as we move into 2024. (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The VOUK team would like to wish all our followers and supporters a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for all your engagement over 2023 and for using Veteran Owned Businesses. Lots more to come in 2024. Have a good one 🤜🤛

The VOUK team would like to wish all our followers and supporters a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Thank you for all your engagement over 2023 and for using Veteran Owned Businesses. 

Lots more to come in 2024. 

Have a good one 🤜🤛 (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TED Talks from the veteran community. Check out this TEDX clip from John Beamson John Beamson whose life ethos is “Don’t be s#!7”…

TED Talks from the veteran community. 

Check out this TEDX clip from John Beamson <a href="/Ceoadventurer/">John Beamson</a> whose life ethos is “Don’t be s#!7”… (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This months video filmed with the team at Hugh James is all about Independent Financial Advice. You can watch over on YouTube 👇👇👇 (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Let’s pull together and support Sally Orange with her bid to run the Everest Marathon in 2024. Please take 10 seconds of time to click the image below and vote for Sally as one of the final 3 for the Armchair Adventure grant.

Veterans Awards (@awardsveterans) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Do you know a Business that could become one of the finalists at the #Scottish Veterans Awards 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 If so we would love to hear from you?… #veteransawards #veteranowned #veterans #business #Scotland

Do you know a <a href="/VeteranOwnedUk/"></a> Business that could become one of the finalists at the #Scottish Veterans Awards 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

If so we would love to hear from you?…

#veteransawards #veteranowned  #veterans #business #Scotland (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Do you know any Scottish based businesses that should be nominated for a Veterans Award? Get over to Veterans Awards and give them a nomination then 🤜🤛 (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A great keynote from one of VOUK’s own, Susan of BritishCraftHouse at the Theo Paphitis 🇺🇦 and #SBS Crew event in Birmingham. Kicking it all off with her time in the Royal Navy through to building a platform to allow crafters to sell their products simply. #SBSEvent2024

A great keynote from one of VOUK’s own, Susan of <a href="/BritishCrafting/">BritishCraftHouse</a> at the <a href="/TheoPaphitis/">Theo Paphitis 🇺🇦</a> and <a href="/TheSBS_Crew/">#SBS Crew</a> event in Birmingham. 

Kicking it all off with her time in the Royal Navy through to building a platform to allow crafters to sell their products simply. 

#SBSEvent2024 (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Here's a snippet of a recent video we filmed with Louisa from Hugh James on the interesting topic of Sea King helicopters and the issue with exhaust fumes indie the helicopter. You can watch the full video here: (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you’ve spent a large amount of time in the Sea King helicopter when in the military, then this video filmed with Louisa from Hugh James is important to you. Take a look at the whole video here: (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A snippet of a recent video filmed with the team at Hugh James This time we talk all things Professional Negligence. You can watch the full video here: (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Major legal announcement as MOD agrees to stop defences that have previously hampered military hearing loss claims. Great work Hugh James (@veteranowneduk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another snippet from the recent video filmed with the team at Hugh James about Professional Negligence. Important info as always! Full video can be found over on YT: