Illustrator, comic artist and painter of things.
ID: 1439853829584003075
20-09-2021 07:28:41
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Just unbelievable the media's lack of concern about ongoing, intensifying climate and Earth breakdown. It's all around us now. A few years ago I thought for sure, by this point, these levels of flooding and heat, the media would be sounding the alarm loudly, clearly, skillfully.

Three key things EVERYONE needs to know: 1. This is still just merest beginnings of climate breakdown 2. It's irreversible, best we can do is halt it at whatever level it gets to 3. It's caused by the fossil fuel industry, which has been lying and blocking action for decades

„Es is: >kein Demokratie oder Klimaschutz< sondern es ist: >wenn wir kein Klimaschutz haben, dann werden wir keine Demokratien mehr haben<.“ Prof. Dr. Matthias Quent bei #Lanz