VU Mathematics
Department of Mathematics of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
ID: 1635668861553975297
14-03-2023 15:47:24
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Dr. Renee Hoekzema VU Mathematics, spreker op het KWG Wintersymposium 2024, is deskundige in topologie en topological data analysis (TDA). Haar website: Luister alvast naar een interview, met dank aan Judith Lengkeek:…
Raffaella Mulas Raffaella Mulas interviewed her former PhD supervisor: Jürgen Jost, founder and director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.…
Raffaella Mulas Raffaella Mulas obtained the VU Startpremie 2023. This prize is awarded each year to talented new faculty members of the VU, and consists of 30.000 Euros that the recipient is free to spend on new projects.…
Published in NAW: interview with our assistant professor Rianne de Heide Rianne de Heide by our assistant professor Raffaella Mulas Raffaella Mulas, for the series "Proof by example - portaits of women in Dutch mathematics".
New Doctoral Network BeyondTheEdge to launch in 2024, BeyondTheEdge - MSCA Network coordinated by our associate professor Chris Bick Christian Bick .…
Morgen: KWG Wintersymposium met o.a. Dr. Thomas Rot VU Mathematics, die zal spreken over "Een touw heeft een even aantal uiteinden":… Symposium georganiseerd door Dr. Rogier Bos Utrecht University
Our assistant professor Rianne de Heide Rianne de Heide is one of the inventors of the new theory of hypothesis testing that may change the way we do science. Next week she and her co-authors will present their work at the Royal Statistical Society in London.…
Since the 1st of January 2024 our associate professor Svetlana Dubinkina Svetlana Dubinkina is part of the NWO consultation committee for mathematics.…
‼️The MSCA Doctoral Network BeyondTheEdge BeyondTheEdge - MSCA Network is recruiting 10 PhD students. Up-to-date information and deadlines at Spread the word! SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems VU Faculteit der Bètawetenschappen VU Mathematics
„Dokters lezen elke week artikelen over hun vakgebied. Die staan vol met uitspraken over p-waarden. Toch gaf minder dan de helft van de dokters het goede antwoord op de vraag wat de p-waarde betekent.” Rianne de Heide Nikki Weststeijn NRC Wetenschap #statistiek…
Our assistant professor Rianne de Heide Rianne de Heide was interviewed for NRC NRC Wetenschap , one of the biggest national newspapers, about her research in to a new statistical theory based on e-values. Read the article here:…