Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution
Official Account | Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution | University of Vienna @univienna
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https://vds-ecology-evolution.univie.ac.at/ 13-04-2022 14:34:19
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Happy to announce our methodological paper on sedaDNA is out! Make sure to check it out if you’re interested in facilitating and speeding up your screening process! Pinhasi Lab nature.com/articles/s4159…

Deadline approaching! If you want to apply for a travel grant by submitting a poster abstract to the VBC PhD Symposium: Into the Unknown, now is the time! Apply/submit before September 2nd: training.vbc.ac.at/phd-program/st…

Looking for a grad program in the Life Sciences? Check out our symposium! doctoralinsights.at Vienna BioCenter Scientific Training ISTAustria CeMM Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution Vienna Doctoral School CoBeNe EMBL TU Dresden IMPRS-CellDevoSys Max Delbrück Center IMPRS for Living Matter Life Science Zurich Universität Wien #phd #lifesciences #gradschool

A new PhD position advertised with Martin Zuschin Universität Wien 👇 University assistant predoctoral Job Details | Universität Wien (univie.ac.at)

Drei European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants gehen an die Universität Wien: Neurowissenschafterin Isabella Wagner, Biologe Pere Gelabert und Naturgefahrenforscher Ugur Ozturk erhalten je einen Starting Grant, der mit jeweils rund 1,5 Millionen Euro dotiert ist! 🤩🎉 medienportal.univie.ac.at/media/aktuelle…

Looking for a grad program in the Life Sciences? Check out our symposium! doctoralinsights.at Vienna BioCenter Scientific Training ISTAustria CeMM Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution Vienna Doctoral School CoBeNe EMBL TU Dresden IMPRS-CellDevoSys Max Delbrück Center IMPRS for Living Matter Life Science Zurich Universität Wien #phd #lifesciences #gradschool

Congratulations to Pere Gelabert 🎉 Fantastic news!

At the #ICOS24SC conference in Versailles, I presented our work on the effects of intense drought on the carbon fluxes of the subsaline reed ecosystem at Lake Neusiedl University of Vienna STEM Universität Wien Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution Peatland ECR Action Team

Looking for a grad program in #lifesciences? Last chance to register for our symposium! doctoralinsights.at Vienna BioCenter Scientific Training ISTAustria CeMM Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution Vienna Doctoral School CoBeNe EMBL TU Dresden IMPRS-CellDevoSys Max Delbrück Center IMPRS for Living Matter Life Science Zurich Universität Wien #phd #gradschool