Ute Roessner
Interested in plant metabolomics
ID: 756669388464414720
23-07-2016 01:56:55
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Exciting news:We have officially launched @ANU! We welcomed our researchers, students, industry partners, Matthew Gilliham representing Uni of Adelaide, senator David Pocock as well as Australian Research Council. Thank to our speakers Kiaran Kirk Ute Roessner Barry Pogson. Lauren DuFall ๐ณ๏ธโ๐ โ๏ธ๐๐ค ANU Division of Plant Sciences
Blown away by the tour of Heavy Ion Accelerators here at Science at ANU. Amazed to know the potential of these wired and wired and wired rooms in Plant Science. Can cover from Mutation breeding, Understanding DNA repair mechanisms to Radiobiology and Space research- its enormous!!
Woohoo! Excited to share our review published today in Agronomy MDPI titled "Deciphering the Interactions in the RootโSoil Nexus Caused by Urease and Nitrification Inhibitors: A Review" MDPI Ute Roessner mdpi.com/2340456 #mdpiagronomy via Agronomy MDPI
Thank you to everyone who attended our Females in Mass Spectrometry (FeMS) networking and trivia event at #anzsms29. We heard from inspirational leaders in MS Tara Pukala and Ute Roessner followed by some trivia. Congratulations to team "Under Pressure" who took home the SCIEX ๐ณ๏ธโ๐ brown bag of mystery
Celebrating our award winners at the #ANZSMS29 conference dinner, Roger Summons Roger Summons, โฃ Prof. Oliver Jones, Ute Roessner, Dave Marshall & Prof. Gavin Reid #TeamMassSpec
Our final session at #ANZSMS29 is all about celebrating our award winners - our 2023 Morrison Medallist Ute Roessner , and Guilhaus award recipients Dave Marshall (2023) and Berin Boughton (2021). #TeamMassSpec
With great excitement we can announce our second partnership for the Open Advances series of journals: Profs Ute Roessner Ute Roessner & Luis E. Eguiarte Luis Eguiarte will take on the leadership of PeerJ Open Advances in Plant Science as Co-Editors-in-Chief -
Wonderful talk by Sibel Yildirim on "Enhancing nitrogen fertilisation efficiency by developing novel nitrification inhibitors for a greener agriculture" as part of her PhD defense in the Forschungszentrum Jรผlich | @[email protected] Science at Melbourne & Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitรคt Bonn (JUMPA) Program - Congratulations to Sibel and supervisors!
Congratulations Allene and congratulations to the supervisors Ute Roessner Michelle Watt, Scientist Borjana Arsova and special thanks to Mathias Becker serving as the perfect chair. Unfortunately, all virtual, including the hat - hopefully soon in presence again!
Very grateful to the Australian Research Council for funding our endeavour to establish an Advanced Metabolite Discovery and Imaging Platform. Ulrike Mathesius Barry Pogson Prof Brajesh Singh Ute Roessner Michelle Moffitt Western Sydney University - Science Research at ANU
#sphingolipids I am very pleased about this wonderful piece work which was a joint effort with the โฆUte Roessnerโฉ group. Please enjoy reading: link.springer.com/article/10.103โฆ
Discovery of novel neutral glycosphingolipids in cereal crops: rapid profiling using reversed-phased HPLCโESIโQqTOF with parallel reaction monitoring, by Ivo Feussner, Ute Roessner, and colleagues nature.com/articles/s4159โฆ