Centre for Urban History - CSG
The Centre for Urban History @UAntwerpen (CSG) examines urbanised societies and patterns of urbanization from the middle ages to the present.
ID: 1082258071773216769
https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/research-groups/centre-urban-history/ 07-01-2019 12:50:06
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job vacancy for PhD student (4 years), Material Interiors in the 15th and 16th-Century Low Countries, Centre for Urban History - CSG uantwerpen.be/nl/jobs/vacatu…
🤗 Just a few weeks until our conference on Belgian Global Expansion! Don't want to miss it? Register here: arts.kuleuven.be/conferences/co… 🗓️ 11-13/09 📍 Leuven & Brussels 🗣️ keynotes: Manu Karuka (Barnard College), Daniel Laqua (Northumbria Uni), Amandine Lauro (Université libre de Bruxelles)
PoHis & Global Engagement kindly invite you to the public lecture of Associated Professor Manu Karuka (Barnard College): ‘The Jungle and the Garden’! 🗓️16/09 🕠17:30-19:00 📍R007 UAntwerpen ✍️ Registration before 15/09 ℹ️ Info & registration [email protected]