UNEP EUROBATS (@unep_eurobats) 's Twitter Profile


Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats

ID: 1303220984

linkhttp://www.eurobats.org calendar_today26-03-2013 09:33:23

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14 Following

UNEP EUROBATS (@unep_eurobats) 's Twitter Profile Photo

cms.int/en/news/new-gu… Not only for migrating birds darkness is important – bats are highly dependent on dark environment: leaving their roosts in total darkness & commuting to their dark feeding areas – 🦇🦇love it dark all night🦇#bats_lighting_projects

NABU 🦤 (@nabu_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⚡️ Verantwortungslos: Eine konservativ/liberal geführte Mehrheit im 🇪🇺-Agrarausschuss stimmt gegen Ernährungssicherheit & weist den Vorschlag fürs #RestoreNature-Gesetz zurück. Schon 75.000 Menschen sehen das anders, du auch? Dann unterschreib hier 👉 nabu.de/natur-und-land…

UNEP EUROBATS (@unep_eurobats) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Record and pictures are online now! It was a great pleasure meeting you all in person! eurobats.org/sites/default/… eurobats.org/official_docum…

Bat Conservation Trust (@_bct_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Is it too early to start a countdown to #InternationalBatNight ? It's 3 months away on the 26 August! Some ideas to celebrate bats: - Plan a bat themed party - Organise a bat walk - Take on a challenge for bats; a hike, bike ride, run, swim - Bat themed movie marathon

Is it too early to start a countdown to #InternationalBatNight ? It's 3 months away on the 26 August! Some ideas to celebrate bats:
- Plan a bat themed party 
- Organise a bat walk 
- Take on a challenge for bats; a hike, bike ride, run, swim
- Bat themed movie marathon
Claudia Kemfert (@ckemfert) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So ist es! Super, dass du noch die Druckausgaben hast! hätten wir damals gehandelt, wäre uns heute Vieles erspart geblieben. #vonwegenhinterheristmanimmerklüger