UNAIDS Office in China (@unaids_cn) 's Twitter Profile
UNAIDS Office in China


Official X account of @UNAIDS Office in China

ID: 1389854751408361472

calendar_today05-05-2021 08:10:02

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Winnie Byanyima (@winnie_byanyima) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Until there’s an HIV cure or a vaccine, we will need to ensure that the work to #endAIDS is fully resourced. Yet funding for the #HIVresponse is shrinking around the world, leading to rising epidemics in certain regions. Approximately $19.8 billion was available in 2023 for

Until there’s an HIV cure or a vaccine, we will need to ensure that the work to #endAIDS is fully resourced.

Yet funding for the #HIVresponse is shrinking around the world, leading to rising epidemics in certain regions. 

Approximately $19.8 billion was available in 2023 for
United Nations in China (@uninchina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

António Guterres Siddharth Chatterjee 常启德 Beate Trankmann Ama Sande (桑爱玲) Stephen Bainous KARGBO Prof Shahbaz Khan UN Sustainable Development Group 🇺🇳 UNAIDS Office in China UNFPA China UN Women China UNDP China 在联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯António Guterres访华期间,联合国驻华国别小组今日与秘书长举行了一场会议。 在会议中,他们讨论了2024年中非合作论坛北京峰会、联合国对华可持续发展合作框架(2021-2025 年)的进展,以及即将召开的未来峰会等重要议题。

<a href="/antonioguterres/">António Guterres</a> <a href="/sidchat1/">Siddharth Chatterjee 常启德</a> <a href="/beatetrankmann/">Beate Trankmann</a> <a href="/AmaSande/">Ama Sande (桑爱玲)</a> <a href="/Kargbo_UNIDO/">Stephen Bainous KARGBO</a> <a href="/profshahbazkhan/">Prof Shahbaz Khan</a> <a href="/UN_SDG/">UN Sustainable Development Group 🇺🇳</a> <a href="/UNAIDS_CN/">UNAIDS Office in China</a> <a href="/UNFPAChina/">UNFPA China</a> <a href="/unwomenchina/">UN Women China</a> <a href="/UNDPChina/">UNDP China</a> 在联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯<a href="/antonioguterres/">António Guterres</a>访华期间,联合国驻华国别小组今日与秘书长举行了一场会议。

在会议中,他们讨论了2024年中非合作论坛北京峰会、联合国对华可持续发展合作框架(2021-2025 年)的进展,以及即将召开的未来峰会等重要议题。
ONUSIDA RDC (@unaidsdrc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Comment apprendre ensemble rapidement pour mettre fin au VIH? La RDC a participé à un atelier avec 14 pays invités à Beijing par UNAIDS Global & le Gouvernement de la Chine pour renforcer la cooperation Sud-Sud pour lutter contre le VIH. Inspiration. Innovation. Collaboration.

ONUSIDA RDC (@unaidsdrc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Restitution de la mission en Chine pour renforcer la collaboration Sud-Sud dans le cadre du partenariat ONUSIDA & CIDCA pour mettre fin . Délégués da la RDC (PNMLS, ONUSIDA) & ANORS ont été reçu par Ambassade de Chine en RDC中国驻刚果(金)大使馆 pour lancer les réflexions sur le travail en RDC.

Restitution de la mission en Chine pour renforcer la collaboration Sud-Sud dans le cadre du partenariat ONUSIDA &amp; <a href="/cidcaofficial/">CIDCA</a> pour mettre fin .

Délégués da la RDC (PNMLS, ONUSIDA) &amp; ANORS ont été reçu par <a href="/AmbCHINEenRDC/">Ambassade de Chine en RDC中国驻刚果(金)大使馆</a> pour lancer les réflexions  sur le travail en RDC.
United Nations in China (@uninchina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today, the United Nations in China and the International Cooperation Center Joint Council carry out a dialogue at the UN compound in Beijing. The dialogue seeks to explore the role of the Global South in reinvigorating multilateralism and supporting the achievement of the #GlobalGoals.

Today, the <a href="/UNinChina/">United Nations in China</a> and the International Cooperation Center Joint Council carry out a dialogue at the UN compound in Beijing.

The dialogue seeks to explore the role of the Global South in reinvigorating multilateralism and supporting the achievement of the #GlobalGoals.
UNAIDS Office in China (@unaids_cn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.UNAIDS Office in China Director Dr Morah visited Chengdu, Sichuan Province, popular for being1️⃣of🇨🇳’s happiest cities. He met govt & CBO partners, deeply impressed by how far the province has come in the HIV response. He encouraged Sichuan to document & share its success globally thru SSC.

.<a href="/UNAIDS_CN/">UNAIDS Office in China</a> Director Dr Morah visited Chengdu, Sichuan Province, popular for being1️⃣of🇨🇳’s happiest cities. He met govt &amp; CBO partners, deeply impressed by how far the province has come in the HIV response. He encouraged Sichuan to document &amp; share its success globally thru SSC.