U of Manitoba MicroGSA (@ummicrogsa) 's Twitter Profile
U of Manitoba MicroGSA


Grad student association for the department of Microbiology at the University of Manitoba

ID: 1091360681948073984

linkhttps://ummicrogsa.weebly.com/ calendar_today01-02-2019 15:40:37

185 Tweet


108 Following

Canadian Soc. Micro. (@csm_scm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meet Dr. Turlough Finan, this year’s CSM Murray Award winner for Career Achievement. youtube.com/watch?v=EpuSyh… Be sure to attend Dr. Finan’s award lecture on Jun 14 at 1230 Eastern. If you have not done so, you can still register for the Conference.

Silvia Cardona (@cardona_lab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our #preprint is out on Research Square: Identification of Essential Protein Domains From High-density Transposon Insertion Sequencing researchsquare.com/article/rs-589… we look forward to comments! The first author is our Zisanur Rahman ManitobaMicrobiology

Silvia Cardona (@cardona_lab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today we received a thank-you note from Wyatt and CysticFibrosisCanada. We also say thank-you to all that donated to our team. Dustin Maydaniuk let's go further and keep fundraising! my.crowdchange.ca/5ufq60

UManitoba Science (@umanitobasci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today’s researcher profile is Matthew Bakker from the Department of Microbiology. Web page: sci.umanitoba.ca/micro/profiles… #umanitoba #umanitobasci #umresearchers #researchers #fortheloveofscience

Today’s researcher profile is Matthew Bakker from the Department of Microbiology.

Web page:

#umanitoba #umanitobasci #umresearchers #researchers #fortheloveofscience
Canadian Soc. Micro. (@csm_scm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Clheck CSM latest job postings: Chair and Professor - Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, Toronto, ON csm-scm.org/english/wn_car…

University of Manitoba (@umanitoba) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bell Let's Talk Day encourages everyone to keep listening, keep talking and keep showing up for ourselves and each other. #BellLetsTalk #UManitoba

Waterloo Biology (@waterloobio) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to Biology's Professor Trevor Charles for being recognized with a Research Innovation and Impact Award from the BE-STEMM 2022 conference hosted by Canadian Black Scientists Network uwaterloo.ca/science/news/t…

RCMP Manitoba (@rcmpmb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#rcmpmb has closed the Perimeter & other highways across MB . Stay off closed roads & drive for conditions: slow down, increase breaking distance, & be aware other vehicles may not be able to stop right away.

#rcmpmb has closed the Perimeter & other highways across MB . Stay off closed roads & drive for conditions: slow down, increase breaking distance, & be aware other vehicles may not be able to stop right away.
Andrew Hogan (@microbeandrew) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My first review with Silvia Cardona is out in FEMS Reviews! 2+ years of brainstorming put on paper 😊 TLDR: bacterial essential genes are not all equal and this can be used to prioritize #antibiotic development. A thread 1/9 academic-oup-com.uml.idm.oclc.org/femsre/advance…

My first review with <a href="/cardona_lab/">Silvia Cardona</a> is out in <a href="/FEMSmicro/">FEMS</a> Reviews! 2+ years of brainstorming put on paper 😊
TLDR: bacterial essential genes are not all equal and this can be used to prioritize #antibiotic development. A thread 1/9
Canadian Soc. Micro. (@csm_scm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A life well-lived. We mourn the loss of our Founding President, Dr. Bob Murray (1919-2022). The Society stands as an enduring legacy to his vision of "a much-needed catalyst and unifier for the diverse applied and basic microbiologists of the country." amgfh.com/condolences/ob…