UHS Pharmacy Training and Research
Tweeting on behalf of @uhsft pharmacy training and research - [email protected] - 'striving for excellence'
ID: 2430578196
06-04-2014 14:58:02
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ESICM has an ICU pharmacy professionals working group. This is Richard S Bourne. One of my deputies and our medicines safety lead. join us ? Our next meeting 21.5, 10am CEST with Robert Oakley,Jason Roberts et al. #weareICU Jan De Waele MD

Good day of case presentations and service improvement/audit project posters from trainee pharmacists from UHS Pharmacy Team Pharmacy HHFT 💙 @HIOWpharmacy Excellent learning and work to be shared and replicated across the system.

Looking absolutely fabulous CAROLE BOULANGER #welldone ESICM Elie Azoulay Jan De Waele MD

Interesting research letter, volatile sedation in VV #ECMO. Perhaps disappointing that IV opioid use did not decrease ? Authors conclude more research needed #lessismore #IVopioids John Devlin, PharmD, BCCCP, FCCP, MCCM David Sapsford 💙 🇺🇦

Congratulations Cathrine McKenzie PhD FRPharmS et al

How to Ace your United Healthcare Interview UnitedHealthcare

Congratulations to our clinical pharmacist Debbie Taylor , sharing her important research into patient counselling and getting the most out of corticosteroids. Here she is presenting in Vienna .. well done #bepartofresearch #teampharmacy Health Research | Southampton

British Geriatrics Society David Oliver our tweets made me realise how effective the multi professional team is in NHS Million . It’s one of our great strengths. #pharmacists #nurses #medics #dentists #patients #pharmacytechnicians #AHPs #HCA and many others. Working together the MDT

Job opportunities! careers.uhs.nhs.uk/job-descriptio… Rotational.clinical pharmacists - band 7 or 6-7 progression. Join us UHS Pharmacy Training and Research University Hospital Southampton 💙 James Allen 💙 Nicola Howarth Hayley Wickens Cathrine McKenzie PhD FRPharmS Rosemary Dempsey 💙 #pharmacistdevelopment