Cognition | Neuroplasticity | Sarcopenia | Co-directed by @MattStockPhD, @Grant_Norte, & @MeredithChaput
ID: 1693661840218456064
21-08-2023 16:30:50
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Coming soon! 👀 We always get asked for a framework for dual-task progression. Here it is! This has been a work in progress for the last couple of years. We are excited to have this paper out soon! UCF CNS Lab Dustin Grooms Janet Simon Matt Taberner

Combined action observation and mental imagery versus NMES on 1 week of immobilization Looked at a lot of really interesting mechanisms A lot of uncertainty around the effect but i found the idea (particularly the action observation) quite fascinating physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…

Great UCF Institute of Ex Phys & Rehab Science student representation American College of Sports Medicine this year! Kudos to my M.S. student Kevan Knowles for his secondary analysis of our older adult resistance training work. UCF CNS Lab

Great job by my X-less M.S. student Emily Parsowith on her first national conference presentation American College of Sports Medicine!

Shoutout to Jonathan Beausejour for earning the UCF Anatomical Sciences Graduate Certificate. This rigorous program prepares students to independently direct a cadaver anatomy lab, from full dissection to admin. He is the 1st UCF Kinesiology PhD student to complete this program 🐐

UCF Institute of Ex Phys & Rehab Science is running a t-shirt fundraiser, with all funds going to support student research. We’ve already sold over 50…would love to surpass 100! Your support would be greatly appreciated! customink.com/fundraising/uc…

4️⃣ years on after 🗣️ Meredith Chaput, PhD, DPT, SCS & Dustin Grooms ➡️ a conceptual framework for visual-cognitive progression after ACL-R‼️ 🚨Visual-Cognitive Control-Chaos Continuum JOSPT Community jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jo… 🚨Injury results in deficits beyond physical performance in isolation 👀🧠

Excited to share our latest attempt to understand methodological considerations of TMS. We explored if active motor thresholds should be reported with relative vs. absolute thresholds. Please share w/ those conducting #tmsresearch -Great job Jonathan Beausejour sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

It was an absolute pleasure chatting with Clare Ardern 🙌🏻 Thank you for allowing us to share our work in JOSPT Community and be featured on the #JOSPTinsights podcast.

Steadiness, smoothness, and regularity: looking beyond force variability to construct a holistic description of force quality Journal of Applied Physiology UCF Institute of Ex Phys & Rehab Science UCF CNS Lab ISEK Ava Schwartz Grant Norte Matt Stock, PhD Meredith Chaput, PhD, DPT, SCS Dave Sherman, PhD, PT, ATC pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38743395/

Single Leg Hop Performance After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Ready for Landing but Cleared for Take-Off? Journal of Athletic Training Evidence & Practice Justin Rush, PhD, ATC NMBHAL_Ohio Amanda Murray, PhD, DPT, PT (she/her/hers) MAIN Lab Dave Sherman, PhD, PT, ATC Alli Gokeler Grant Norte UCF CNS Lab pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38779887/

🚨The UCF CNS Lab is now recruiting older adults in Orlando for a 6 week training study. This is a great opportunity to get high-quality, supervised training in our lab. Please spread the word!

Congrats Ava Schwartz! We can’t wait to see your work to come!