Understanding Behaviour Conference
Official Twitter Handle. This is a scientific conference focused on animal behaviour with broad themes of ecology and evolution.
ID: 1014840695897710592
https://sites.google.com/view/understanding-behaviour-23/home 05-07-2018 11:57:31
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Behavioural Ecology Lab (BEL @ IISER Mohali) Understanding Behaviour Conference 3 labs from 3 IISERs are celebrating their 10th year anniversary ...and we are all here at Understanding Behaviour Conference to celebrate our incidental shared journeys: Behavioural Ecology Lab (BEL @ IISER Mohali) IISER Mohali TrEE Lab IISER Bhopal and RAGHAV RAJAN'S Lab IISER Pune Hurray!!! 🎉🎊🥳
Prof. Amitabj Joshi Amitabh Joshi talked about heritability and phenotypical theory of natural selection.
Amitabh Joshi Dr.Ratna Ghoshal from Ahmedabad University talked about reproductive behaviours in mugger Crocodiles.
Dr. Viraj Torsekar Viraj Torsekar | विराज तोरसेकर talked about assortative mating in desert isopods in relation to predation risk. The cover picture on the journal issue of Ecology was as awesome as his talk.
Viraj Torsekar | विराज तोरसेकर Dr. Vishnupriya from Wildlife Institute of India talked about Gangetic river dolphin conservation.
Viraj Torsekar | विराज तोरसेकर Wildlife Institute of India We enjoyed a great talk by Dr. Rittik Rittik Deb from NISER Bhubaneswar on rapid parallel evolution in flour beetles and the possible role of microbes.
Viraj Torsekar | विराज तोरसेकर Wildlife Institute of India Rittik Deb NISER Bhubaneswar Dr. Manabi Paul from Univ of Calcutta talked about food preference and handedness in urban-adapted Hanuman Langurs.
Day 3 at #UB2023 IISER Kolkata Invited talk by Dr. Rittik Deb (Rittik Deb , NISER )! #scicomm #ecology #evolution #ethology
Had a great experience talking about #scicomm with Anamitra Roy at #UB2023 conference! We are holding a bunch of feedback sheets which gave us a serotonin rush. Thanks to all the participants of this #workshop Understanding Behaviour Conference to make it so successful! #teamwork #BELlab IISER Kolkata
Viraj Torsekar | विराज तोरसेकर Wildlife Institute of India Rittik Deb NISER Bhubaneswar Thre grand finale of the day was a talk and movie screening by Purnima Devi Barman on her work on community based conservation of the hrt adjutant stork, people's participation, women empowerment. A true conservation success story. She got a standing ovation by the conf participants. ❤️
We had a great time interacting with nearly 250 school children during the outreach event at #UB2023 Understanding Behaviour Conference IISER Kolkata IISER Mohali IISER Bhopal SERB Int. Yr. Basic Sciences for Sust. Development
Our amazing team of volunteers who made the #UB2023 happen. Raghavendra Gadagkar Understanding Behaviour Conference
And yay to the all women's team that organized #UB2023 under amazing challenges, and at a record pac... So yay to #sumana & #anuradha who are not on twitter & Anindita Bhadra+ Manjari Jain for being just awesome & Raghavendra Gadagkar + #GeethaGadagkar for giving us a good reason to convene...
Kavita Isvaran CES, IISc 3 awards for speed talks by students went to Hansraj Hansraj JNCASR Bangalore Saket Saket Shrotri🌱🏵🐝 TrEE Lab IISER Bhopal and Gaurav Gaurav Behavioural Ecology Lab (BEL @ IISER Mohali) IISER Mohali Congratulations 🎊🥳
Understanding Behaviour Conference 📢 e-certificates for participants,both for the conference and workshops, will be sent out next week! Keep a track of your inbox everyone! #UB2023 Anindita Bhadra Anwesha Acharjee Vinita Gowda: Success has never been my weakness Manjari Jain RohanSarkar Sourabh Biswas Dr Rubina Mondal Raghavendra Gadagkar