Robert Weiner
University of Toledo Rockets 🚀 Co-Offensive Coordinator and Quarterbacks Coach
ID: 1099427235939995649
23-02-2019 21:54:14
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Thank you to Keith Grabowski 🏈 Coach and Coordinator Podcast and to LFG Foundation for the platform to speak about quarterback play but, more importantly, the opportunity to support the Loose family and Lauren’s First and Goal Foundation. Everyone, please consider supporting this amazing organization.

This man Coach Cole is not only an incredible coach, but he is an even better human being. It is an absolute honor to work by his side every day. He not only raises the bar for his players, but he promotes everyone around him to be one’s best self.

I get to see Coach Parker work every day. But never miss a chance to see him speak. I’ll be there. You should too. Will get your convention off to an energetic and enthusiastic start.

This is what lfgf.org is all about! 🙏 Post & Support pediatric 🧠 tumor research #Beatcancer services! Over 125 NFL CFL AFCA 🏈 Coaches! Virtual! Register now: lfgf2024.coachesclinic.com Keith Grabowski 🏈 Coach and Coordinator Podcast FootballScoop

The best. Non-stop contagious energy. Tactical/schematic/technical excellence. Profound care for his guys. Coach Parker