Dr. Thomas Felis
thomasfelis.bsky.social | Coral archives | Past, present & future climate & environmental change | Coordinator DFG SPP 2299 | @ClimateReefs
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https://www.marum.de/en/Dr.-thomas-felis.html 19-01-2022 11:24:33
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🌎🚨BREAKING: NOAA Coral Program and ICRI confirm the Fourth Global Coral Bleaching Event 🪸 #coralbleaching has now been confirmed in over 53 nations and across all Ocean basins 🌊. This #global event requires global action #ForCoral. Download the press release #4GBE:

Up first this morning is Hana Camelia from the IndOC-E project. Hana is giving an oral presentation on her project and the connection between the Info-Pacific and large amplitude internal waves in the Andaman Sea in coral reconstructions 🪸 She will be in room 0.31/0.32 at 9am!

🚨@SciFam🙏RT: I am🔎for a #PostDoc in #Paleontology for4️⃣years with me Freie Universität🇩🇪! Welcoming research #vertebrates, #invertebrates, any time slice, preferential #geochemical outlook! 💀line: June3️⃣!!! Moreℹ️👉tinyurl.com/49tw3cnh Paleontological Research Institution The Paleontological Society Senckenberg Research

Join us at the #ECRS2024 in Naples this week and learn more about the research done within DFG public | @[email protected] Priority Programme "Tropical Climate Variability & Coral Reefs" (SPP 2299). Visit the 14 talks, 3 posters, and 2 organized sessions by #SPP2299 team members

Curious about what the #spp2299 is up to at ECRS 2024? You can come along to a number of talks today from SPP 2299 members! Highlights from Christian R Voolstra at Universität Konstanz, Catarina Martins, and Merlin Weichler from GEOMAR Stay tuned for posters coming up today!

During the ECRS 2024 a number of our researchers are given posters, which start this afternoon! You can head to see them and talk about the historical perspective of warming events. Swing past and say hello to Marlene Wall, Phyllis Mono, Diana Diers and Konabe

Today in session 12 on ‘The Ocean Decade: The Science we need for the Coral Reefs We Want’ co-led by Dr. Thomas Felis. This session highlights a number of UN challenges that hope to address coral reef futures, and what types of science we need to implement

Last week some of the #spp2299 programme attended ECRS 2024 in Naples. There were 13 talks, along with 4 posters featuring members of the SPP 2299 (dome of which are shown here). It was great meeting up with others across Europe and further abroad. Thanks #ECRS2024! DFG public | @[email protected]

looking for a PhD in one of these fields, with a focus on polar regions? 1. Biology, Ecology & Biodiversity 2. Human impacts 3. Solid Earth 4. Ocean & Cryosphere 5. Astronomy, Space & Earth Observations 6. Climate System Yes? come work with us Unive Ca' Foscari unive.it/web/en/7712/pn…

🚨 job alert! 🚨 Fossil corals, past sea levels, big paleowaves, fieldwork or modelling. If you are into any of these fields, come work with us Unive Ca' Foscari in Venice, within my European Research Council (ERC) project WARMCOASTS Deadline August 26th dm me for info unive.it/data/28825/?ch…

🌊 🚨 After many years our study on the longest continuous coral Sr/Ca-temperature record it is finally out in Science Advances! | Science Advances Collab w/ Jens Zinke Prof. Matt England Ariaan Purich and others science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…