The Royal Australasian College of Physicians
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IMJ September 2024 #OpenAccess Original Article: SGLT2 inhibitors for heart failure bit.ly/4dOpyK2 Jeff Szer The Royal Australasian College of Physicians Wiley Clinical Health

Professor Bart Currie from Menzies Research will discuss the diversity of a Top End physician at the NT ASM, held on 11 & 12 Oct. He'll be joined by Dr Mary Wicks, who will share insights from her research with healthcare workers within Central Australia. event.racpevents.edu.au/northern-terriā¦

We're working with more councils, universities, TAFEs, sporting clubs and community groups every day as we focus on supporting young people to avoid or quit vaping. VicHealth is proud to partner with City of Greater Geelong and Geelong Mayor to protect kids from e-cigarettes.

Glad to see an article from The Royal Australasian College of Physicians paediatrician advocates pushing this issue to the forefront. Jailing 10 year olds harms kids and does nothing to reduce crime. racp.edu.au/news-and-eventā¦

Peak medical group expresses "grave concern" over N... | NIT ā¦The Royal Australasian College of Physiciansā© nit.com.au/13-09-2024/137ā¦

You canāt on one hand say to children that they canāt access social media until 14 due to risk of harm associated, yet on the other hand send children as young as 10 to jail to be further harmed. Anthony Albanese The Royal Australasian College of Physicians Anne Hollonds Dr Monique Ryan MP

1 month left to apply in bit.ly/_FR9 We recognise rural specialists' unique scope w/CPD grants up to $12k ANZCA ACEM ACSEP CICM RANZCOG - O&G @ranzcoeyedoctor The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia The Royal Australasian College of Physicians RANZCP RANZCR RACSurgeons DermatologyACD ruralspecialist.org.au/grants/apply-nā¦

Disappointing to see the new NT government continue its punitive approach and political rhetoric on youth crime. The Royal Australasian College of Physicians dailymail.co.uk/wires/aap/artiā¦